17 | More Than a Feeling

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FP came home late. To his surprise, Gladys didn't question him about it. They both acted as if nothing occurred.

But she did opt to stay home with the baby instead of go to his son's football game. It's too cold for her to join in on the fun.

"You're all set, boy." FP ties Jughead's shoes. "Just go put on your jacket."

Jughead stands by the door with his poster. "Do you think Charlie will like it?"

"He'll love it." FP finds his handwriting adorable.

"I bet mine is better than Betty's," Jughead cockily smiles. "He's gonna love mine more."

FP laughs. He opens the door. "Say bye to your mom and sister."

Jughead runs over to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek. He then follows his father out the door.

Meanwhile, Betty and Polly stuff their posters into the Vista Cruiser's trunk. Alice opens the car door and buckles them in. "Okay, girls. We're going to cheer on your brother at his first game today."

"I'm going to be his cheerleader," Polly is excited to be attending the pep rally too. "He's going to be the best football player there now."

"I bet we're going to cheer for him better than Jughead." Betty is determined.


Charles runs out onto the field after the Bulldogs are announced. He makes his way to the front of the bleachers and looks into the crowd. His siblings run up to him with their posters, but his parents keep a noticeable distance from each other.

"Look mine's the best." The three say all at once.

Charles looks at each poster. He loves them all. He looks past them and sees that his parents steal glance of each other from afar.

"Attention," Coach Kleats taps on the microphone. "Attention. Before the game begins I am fully aware that former alumni FP Jones is in the crowd tonight. Please stand, Jones." A round of applause goes around. "I hope having one of the best players this school has ever had here tonight works as a lucky charm."

FP locks eyes with his son and points at him to mouth, "You got this."

Charles joins the rest of the boys in the huddle. He peeks over at the crowd. His brother and sisters moved back. His father helps Jughead stand on the bleachers after he runs back to him. His mother flips his sisters' posters around so they are facing the right way.

The boys line up on their side of the field. The rest wait on the sidelines to be subbed in.

A couple of minutes in and the Bulldogs are a few points behind, but they are close to catching up.

"That's my boy. That's my boy." FP yells as he sees Charles sprint down the field. He follows his jersey number intently. His excitement brings Alice joy; it used to be him she was watching.

Polly, Betty, and Jughead cheer with the crowd when they get louder. Charles reaches the end zone and spikes the ball. Everyone is loud.

The game kept going but FP was distracted following another jersey number on the field. Charles had pointed out which one was Chic before the game, so when Chic was subbed out he noticed him wandering off. FP decided to take the opportunity to follow him to talk.

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