"Oh my god, children, are you both ok?!" Robin immediataely hugged the 2 girls tightly. "We're fine, momma. We hid when it came." Harley said. "Still! Oh sweet Kodona! Harley, don't just go into the city like that!" Robin scolded. "Kodona?" O'Genesis asked. "Kodona is the goddess of Beginnings here in Endcross." Harley explained wearily. Robin turned towards O'Genesis, "O'Genesis, my dear d-" She stopped herself and sighed, "Please...don't do that again."
O'Genesis, confused as ever nodded while Harley went upstairs to her room. All of a sudden, a scream echoed around the house. Robin and O'Genesis raced up the stairs and to Harley's room to see O'Jase, laying on the ground, her hands over her chest and her eyes were open, terrified and a black, gooey substance leaked from them. Her clothes were torn and scratches were littered all over her body, but on her stomach was what made O'Gensis, Robin and Harley jump. On her stomach was a white pawn.
"W-What happened to her?" O'Genesis stuttered, looking at Robin. "She has been..caught by the Host." Robin sighed. "How?" O'Genesis asked. "I have no idea, I was asleep when it happened....." Robin said, shaking her head, making her black hair fly around. "Momma....why did it take O'Jase?" Harley asked, only recieving a sigh from her mother, " I don't know, honey." "Well, how do we get caught?" O'Genesis asked. Robin shrugged, "It's said that if you lose a chess game in Endcross, it'll take you when you're asleep."
"Then I must do that." O'Genesis said, coming to a conclusion. "O'Genesis No!" Harley grabbed her shoulders, "It's too dangerous. If you lose once in the game you play with the Host....you die." "It's a risk I plan to take." O'Genesis said calmly. "No!" Harley yelled. "No matter how much you scream..I'm still going to do it. O'Jase may be a big pain in the butt...but..she's my sister." O'Genesis said and walked away.
Robin just watched her go, sighing when Harley asked quietly, "Momma..we should tell her the truth...." Robin sighed and shook her head, "If she comes back alive.....we'll have to tell her."
Let's Play a game
HorrorSister Vs. Sister: A sister guided by her insticts and experience and a deity Another one used to ordering people around and guided by her gut Who will win a game of Chess that can possibly cost them their lives? And a secret that O'Genesis needs to...