After about a few minutes of playing, the pieces laid across the board, broken apart, red blood seeing from them. O'Genesis looked around her with the upmost calmness, a long sword drawn. Her long, ballroom black dress was splattered with the blood of the chess pieces and her sword was dripping with it. O'Jase stared at her sister with fear, never had she seen O'Genesis act the way she did. "Bishop to F7." She demanded with a giddy attitude. She sounded like she was having the time of her life.
The black bishop, also stained with it's fellow black chess pieces' blood waddled casually up to the desired stop, taking a total of 3 white pieces: 2 pawns and a knight. O'Jase couldn't turn for she wasn't under her own control, but she was visibly shaking with fear as tears trailed down her face. A white knight galloped past her to A5, taking a pawn...which clattered on the board, red blood spilling onto the tiles. O'Jase surveyed the damage. O'Genesis still had a lot of her pieces while O'Jase barely had any. "Queen to C4." O'Genesis smiled as she walked slowly to her place, slaying 4 white pieces before coming to her place.
Her dress looked almost red from all of the pawns and pieces that she and others had slain. O'Jase's breathing quickened as O"Genesis said, "O'Jase....tell me....why did you decide on such a foolish idea that going up against me in the beginning was a good idea..." O'Jase gulped before breaking down, "I THOUGHT I WAS BETTER THAN YOU! I THOUGHT I COULD OUTWIT YOU! I WANTED TO BEAT YOU THAT I KEPT TRYING!" She cried out, tears exploding from her eyes, coating her white uniform.
O'Genesis didn't say a word, only gripped her sword hilt. "O'Genesis?" O'Jase asked, somehow gaining her body back and turning to face her sister. "Hm." O'Genesis smiled, chuckling. "Huh?" O'Jase asked confused. O'Genesis began to laugh, throwing her head back, "That is funny, O'Jase! Why would you think of such a stupid thing!" She whirled around to her, "You will never beat me!" O'Jase cowered. She had never seen her sister act like this. O'Genesis's eyes seemed to pulse and brighten with insanity. An evil, insane smile was painted onto her face. To O'Jase, this seemed so unnatrual that her caring, obedient sister was turning into an insane monster before her eyes. "Now, O'Jase...since you thought that..." O'Genesis smiled, her teeth now fangs, making O'Jase cower. "You will die!" O'Genesis ran towards her sister, her sword bloodied in an impaling state.
O'Jase ran for her life, hopping over blood puddles and broken chess pieces when suddenly, 3 of O'Genesis's knights cornered her in with O'Genesis walking towards them, chuckling. "Please O'Genesis..don't do this! You're too kind for this!" O'Jase attempeted to plead for her life, but O'Genesis chuckled, "O' really are a stupid little idiot."
Let's Play a game
HorrorSister Vs. Sister: A sister guided by her insticts and experience and a deity Another one used to ordering people around and guided by her gut Who will win a game of Chess that can possibly cost them their lives? And a secret that O'Genesis needs to...