"Checkmate..." O'Genesis said glumly, taking O'Jase's queen. "Sorry O'Jase...but you lose...again." "NO! UNFAIR!" O'Jase hissed, "Another rematch! Another one, I say!" She demanded, pointing her tan finger in O'Genesis's pale face. "O'Jase..if you lose again-" "I WILL NOT LOSE!!" O'Jase cut in hotly. O'Genesis, who had finally had enough of O'Jase's constant yelling and demanding stood abruntly and pushed her sister and threw a chess piece at her, "Don't make a fool of yourself, O'Jase.
If you lose, we'll be sent to Endcross, the place of endless chess pieces," She grabbed her sister's shoulders, her eyes staring into her's, "Listen to me when I say this, if you go there, we won't be able to come back out and you're already a horrible chess player anyway."
Hey!!" O'Jase exclaimed. O'Genesis dropped her sister and paced, "In Endcross....there is deity called the Host. It only lives in Endcross. Currently, there is no possible way to defeat it," she looked at her sister, straightened her glasses and continued, " It is said if you lose 3 times in Endcross...you die." O'Jase just laughed, "As if! Endcross! A thing called the Host!" She got up, still laughing, "O'Genesis...you're going mad. Do I need to call the Loony House?"
O'Genesis let out a frustrated sigh, "You don't understand-" "I understand....you're going crazy. Get out of my room," O'Jase threw the chess pieces and board at her sister, who caught them with ease and walked out briskily with O'Jase calling her a "Lunatic" as she walked to her room.
In her room, O'Genesis muttered angrily to herself and she thought aloud, "Maybe if she lost on her phone, then we can get sent to Endcross then she can see if the Host is real or not." But as she said it, that's exactly what happened...

Let's Play a game
TerrorSister Vs. Sister: A sister guided by her insticts and experience and a deity Another one used to ordering people around and guided by her gut Who will win a game of Chess that can possibly cost them their lives? And a secret that O'Genesis needs to...