Chapter 35

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Louis is my BEST friend. So suddenly telling him that I loved Alex..... probably not the best idea. Especially after the great day we all had, the great couple MONTHS we've had, they are ALL due to Alex. Tonight when we were all messing around, I wanted to tell her how I felt about her. But I can't. That would only tare things apart, right back to where we all started. I can't do that to them.

I could tell Louis knew something wasn't right though. By the look on his face when he left the kitchen to go upstairs. He's gonna end up questioning me about it, I'll tell him it's nothing and he won't believe me, it's the same thing every time. I love that he cares what's wrong, but I don't want to hurt them so this is one thing I'm keeping to myself.

After Louis went upstairs I waited a few minutes until I heard his door close before making my way to my room. I have been lying here wide awake ever since. It's close to one in the morning and I haven't slept a wink. My brain is far to full and there are too many things to consider and to think about.

My curtains are drawn closed so that the sun won't come into my room when it rises, I really just want to stay in my bed until I figure out what to do. It shouldn't be this hard, I don't want to hurt anyone so it should be pretty simple to just kick back and enjoy the present life I have. Yet I can't bring myself to settle in that, like there's something I'm missing.

I sign and reach over to my night stand to grab my ear buds and my phone, maybe music will help calm my mind enough to let me sleep. I get the music going and try to get comfortable, as I stare up at the ceiling I wonder if I'm the only other one besides Liam whose had feelings for Alex that they can't express.

That made me start laughing, it made me remember Christmas when we went to the other side of the world and Alex nearly saw me naked. It was the funniest thing ever. She was so embarrassed and couldn't talk straight, and Louis couldn't stop laughing when he found out.

Maybe because he's not very untrusting of us. That doesn't make any sense, let's just say he has all the trust in the world towards us. Louis is a very trusting person, unless you give him a good reason not to trust you.

I slowly take my ear buds out and listen quietly, I could've sworn I heard my door open and someone calling my name. Maybe I'm just going crazy because I'm exhausted. Then again it's so dark I can't even see my door, so someone could very well be standing there and I wouldn't know.

"Harry?" A small whisper makes me nearly jump out of my skin. I saying my eyes trying to see the door but having no luck I give up "yeah?" I whisper back as quietly as I can. The door closes softly and I still can't see, it sounded like Alex though. "can I stay in here? Louis is too loud, I can't sleep"

I chuckle at her, I forget sometimes that Louis snores really loudly. Swinging my legs over the bed I carefully and very slowly make my way in the direction of the door. "I'm coming to get you" I warm Alex so she doesn't freak out when I reach for her.

When I get to her I take her arm and carefully lead her away from the door so she doesn't run into anything. "Thanks Harry" she says as I throw the blanket over her. "It gets kinda cold in here so I'm give you the thick blanket" I say putting another blanket on her.

She scrunches up under the blanket with her knees partially up to her stomach, I pull the blanket over my legs and rest my head. I wish I could call asleep. "Hey Harry?" Alex asks. I can feel as she turns her body towards me. "Yeah?" She sighs and is silent for a moment, as if she's trying to figure out what to say. "Are you okay? You seemed a little sadder than usual earlier, has something wrong?" Dang, I forget I can never get by her either.

This is just my luck, "um.... yeah..... I just was.... " my words were abruptly interrupted by a huge crashing and shattering from downstairs. Alex springs up and freezes "What was that?" She asks in a panicked tone. "I don't know, stay right here, don't move". I quickly get out of bed and open my door silently.

When I do Liam's and Louis' doors open as well. Louis has a bat and Liam is at the top of the stairs.looking at me. "Where's Alex?" Louis asks looking at me " you were keeping her up with your snoring, she's in my room" I say. "I've already checked on Niall and Zayn, whoever is down there isn't supposed to be here" Liam says looking between the two of us.

"Lets go" I say trying to make my way down the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. Another crash hits puts ears as we get to the bottom of the stairs. The moon is shining brightly on the living room floor and lights up the room with a blue shade.

I peak around the corner onto the living room and jump back as soon as I do. There were two guys standing in our living room, they had knocked over both the bookshelves and broke one of the giant glass windows. This is crazy! Who the heck is in our house?!

Louis looks at me and Liam nods. I run into the living room as fast as I can and grab the one guy by the shoulders. I surprised him so he hits the ground easily. The other one is already coming towards me when Liam comes out and grabs him from behind. Louis ends up abandoning the bat and punches the guy I took down in the face when he tries to get up.

I run over and help Liam, the guys got him on the ground so I throw him off. He hits his head on the corner of the tipped bookshelf and groans in pain and stays on the ground. Louis kicks the other guy in the gut a few times before he's weak as well.

Liam flicks on the lights and I about loose it. I really should've expected these two to show up, I had a feeling they wouldn't leave us alone. Not after the last couple of months. 

"Harry? Is everything okay?" Alex shouts from the top of the stairs. Louis turns around wide eyes at me, she can't see them, "Alex stay up there, there's broken glass everywhere!" I shout hoping she'll listen. "Harry I can watch for glass, I'm coming down" Liam just stared at the two and Louis runs for the stairs.

"See? Harry I've got shoes on I'm..... " she stops and just stared at us silently. "What happened to your faces?" She walks closer to us and looks at the ground behind us. Her eyes widen and her face drains of all color.

"Hi honey, thought I would come pick you up from.your friends house" her dad says putting a finger to his bleeding split lip that Liam gave him. "Brad here told me you were here, you ready to go?" He acts like nothing bad ever happened while she lives with him. 

"She's not going anywhere with you, Liam call the police " Louis says before slowly turning to Alex and trying to pull her away to the kitchen. "Alex honey, go with Louis. It's okay" I say looking at her with a sad smile. She still stared with clouded eyes but backs away with Louis.

Liam comes back into the living room and sighs, "they're on their way, they said about five minutes" he looks down at the guys who are sitting on the floor "so this jerk is Alex's dad huh?" He asks looking at me. I nod with a scowl now on my face. Liam grabs him by the shirt and punches him across the face " that was for Alex" he punches him again "and THAT'S for breaking my favorite bookshelf" he says before letting him go.

Louis comes back into the room and gives me a look "She needs you Harry" he says looking kinda worried. "Okay, I'll take care of her, watch them" I say walking past him into the kitchen.  him

Alex sits on the floor against the cupboards curled into the tightest ball she can form. I sit next to her and carefully out an arm around her, "Alex? Alex it's Harry" I say softly while moving her hair out of her face. "Alex? Love talk to me" her breathing is rigid and her eyes are wide as she just stared at the floor.

I hold her tight "your safe, they can't get you, your safe" I say quietly slightly rocking her side to side. "Breath love, it's alright, they can't hurt you here" her breathing calms a little bit but is still super quick and heavy.

Let's try a different approach. I get up and sit right in front of her, I pull her close to see and look her in the eyes. "Alex, look into my eyes okay? I want you to keep your focus there" her eyes flick up to mine and she looks terrified. "Keep your eyes on me, can you do that?" She slightly nods so I nod with her.

I take her hands and hold them in mine "Lets try and breath okay? Alex, breath love. I'm and out real slow" I say doing the same thing and showing her. "It's okay, everything is okay, just keep breathing love"

Ugh please let the police get here already......

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