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"Z-zayn,"I stuttered.

I looked up to the eyes of my brother's best friend. His brown hair, matted down on his forehead with his striking brown eyes. His glasses perched on his face with his invisible braces gave him the acquired nerdy look.

He knelt down on the floor next to me cupping my face in his hands wiping away my tears."Joella, what happened?" He asked with a stern face.

My heart fluttered because he was the only one besides my parents who called me by my full name, then I laughed on the inside at how macho he was trying to be because I knew Zayn couldnt hurt a fly.

"Im fine,"I huffed wiping my tears and trying getting up."O-okay",he stammered giving me space to stand up, suddenly loosing his tough boy act. "W-well Joe sent me to look for y-you.Said I should ask you if you needed a ride,"he squeaked.

"No I dont!"I snapped wanting to be alone.

"O-okay", "bye?"

I rolled my eyes at him before turning in the other direction to hide my fresh batch of tears. I really liked Zayn and I felt terrible with the way I was acting to him but I didnt have a choice, it was what i had to do to fit back into the group.I was trying to push him away so he wouldnt get hurt, but being Zayn, he was always worried about other people before himself. I walked out of the school through the back door, purposely avoiding my brother, not at all in he mood to have another argument.


Its been a week since I last spoke to Zayn. Ive been avoiding him at all costs finding this task much harder to do. Obviously, I got my friends back. When they found out I was back on the deal, they all stuck to my side.Including Aaron who apologised. I dont like him at all, but I just don't want to be alone, and having a boyfriend will make me seem cooler.

The last bell for lunch rang so I walked out of the school headed towards my brother's car. I sat down waiting for him in the backseat while laughing at photos on instagram.

Ill be honest, I have changed a bit but I dont think its that bad .My hair was dyed blonde last week because the girls said that if I didnt, they would kick me out of the group. What they dont know is that its fake hair dye.So its true that they do threaten me once in a while, but thats just how friends are supposed to behave, right? I sighed impatiently waiting for my brother to come out of the school doors.

"Im telling you man," i heard someone shout, "she seriously has something in it for me.I mean come A! Wheres the plus!"My brother yelled agiated.

I giggled fondly at my brother looking at his twisted face through the faded mirror."C'mon man, not everybody gets an a plus,"I heard making me freeze. I shuffled to the other side of the car looking out the window to see Zayn wiping his glasses on a white napkin. I watched his concentrated face as he tried to get every little smudge at the piece of glass. He looked up catching my eye for a moment and my breath hitched. I could tell he was having an internal battle with himself as to wether or not to smile at me but I blew those thoughts away by giving him a small genuine smile.

His face, laced with puzzlement smiled back exposing his braces, his brown eyes sparkling wildly. The hiding sun catching his face at just the right angle. He really was beautiful I watched as he propped the glasses up on his face adjusting his school bag.

"What about you dude!" I heard my brother yell, snapping me away from my stalking. I took another quick glance at Zayn trying not to make it obvious I was stalking  only to discover he was still looking at me. Red tinted his cheeks, knowing he had been caught before he looked away from me, raising his eyebrows at my annoyed looking twin brother.

"You always get an a plus!" Joe huffed. Zayn giggled exposing the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. He slid into the car not replying my brother and turned around to face me.

"Hi,"he said softly.

"Hi Zayn,"I replied hesitantly feeling my face heat up.

Time to start the plan, sigh.

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