Chapter 6

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          Do you know that feeling, when you want something so, so bad and you feel like nothing can stop you, like nothing can get in your way, and if so that person or thing is dead.

"Joe,"I said icily, my voice threatingly low."Pass me,my lollipops."

          I wached him as he laughed nervously scratching the back of his neck."No,"he smirked.

          OBSESSED: be preoccupied with a single topic or emotion.

"Joe,"I repeated."Pass me my lollipops. dominate the thoughts of something or someone.

"No!"he yelled nervously.

3.To think or talk obsessively about somethinng or someone.

I narrowed my eyes at him, looking through the top of my long eyelashes to see his face, I stretched my arm out turning around, counting to ten for him to live.

          "...9, 10."I turned back to face him, and watched as he let out a hesitant chuckle with my lollipops still in his grabby hands.

"That's it!"I yell.

            I cover the distance between us, giving a short war yell before jumping on his back. I use a hand to pull his hair while the other clamps his mouth shut.

          "Give me the freaking lollipops!"I yell while yanking his freakishly long brown hair back tightly."Mmmm mmmm, mh hmmm!"he mumbles.

"Shut your trap and pass my lollipops!"I yell crazily.

          "What the hell is going on here!"I hear Zayn yell. Joe and I freeze turning our heads slowly to the location of his voice. I look behind him to see Cindy yawning in boredom having seen this scene numerous times.

          It dawns on me how crazy we may look ,both with disheveled hair knowing fully well my bun was out and that i was now sporting a saggy ponytail with me on Joe's back. I hopped off silently reaching my hand up to my hair to pat the frizzy mess before adjusting my crop top. I send Joe a death glare before watching Cindy who walked out of the room, probably to go finish off what she was watching.

          Finally, I locked eyes with Zayn who had his eyebrows raised behind his glasses.I pouted softly sighing and looked away, sneaking a peak at my brother whose ears had turned red. I looked back at Zayn before replying.

          "Joe took my lollipops,"I said softly giving him an innocent look. I make my chin wobble for effect before continuing, "He said-he said he was going to throw them away,"I said with a sniff bowing my head to hide the smile that threatened to show.

          I looked up secretly at Zayn to see his expression soften and his eyebrows furrowed together probably thinking of a way to handle the situation. I looked up at Joe and see him smirking probably thinking hes won this argument . Well, thats about to change.

          I walked, more like dragged my feet, towards the counter plopping down on the seat and burrying my head in my hands making sure to shift my face closer to the onions in the rack.Then I shake my shoulders and make hicupping sounds quietly while my head is burried.This seems to snap Zayn out of his thoughts.

         "Joe,"he says with outstretched hands,"Pass me the lollipop".

"Oh come on! You dont actually believe her, shes faking!"he yells. I feel Zayn's gaze linger on my back questioningly causing me to raise my head.

          Zayn gasps, rushing over to me and cupping my face. At his touch, I feel slight tingles on my face but push the thought away hiccuping for more effect.

          He uses his thumb to brush away a few tears that are becomming real due to guilt of having to do what I have to do to this beautiful creature."Sh shsh,"he coos quietly,"its okay,I'll get your lollipops back."

          I nod silently wiping away my tears with the back of my yellow sleeves suddenly feeling very embarassed that he might think I'm a crybaby. He stretches out his hand once again to Joe who gives him the pack of sweets with a loud huff. He opens a pack placing one in my mouth causing me to smile fondly at him as he passes me what is left of the pack.

          I pull him towards me,wrapping my arms arround his slim figure .I placed my head on his shoulder when I felthis arms hesitantly wrap around my slightly smaller figure warmly. I peep behind his back at my brother who gives me a what the hell look and a raised eyebrow. I stick my tongue out at him and smile making him huff in fustration and stalk out of the room, implying to him that my tears were staged, even though they weren't.

          "Thank you Zayn,"I whisper burrying my head into his neck. Im so sorry, I add as an after thought.

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