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          I let my books tumble to the floor with the rest of my writing materials and im on my feet in less than a second.

"Cindy!" I yell looking around for her. I run towards the slides and check underneath it to see if shes playing hide and seek.

"Cindy please come out, this isnt funny!"I yell aggravated only to get no reply. That's when I really start to worry.

          "Joseph!" I yell. I run down the other side of the park,which is freakishly large by the way, towards Joe and Zayn who are still playing football yet to notice my presence. "Joseph!" I yell again as I get closer to them. This seems to catch both their attentions seeing as they both turn towards me. I halt in front of them taking in sharp breaths for having run that fast.

"C-cindy", I huff still out of breath. I use my hands to motion towards the slide, breathing deeply trying to catch my breath.

"Ccant -not there," a look of confusion crosses both boy's faces as they stare at me perplexed. Annoyed,I put my finger up to hush them and breathe in and out slowly before yelling at them,"For God's sake you idiots! I can't find Cindy!"

          Joe's face instantly pales as he shakes his head full of brown locks. "No, that's impossible!"his lips tremble as he drops the ball running in the direction I just came from.
          Of all of us left in our messed up family, Cindy and Joseph were probably the closest. Even with the twelve year age difference, their love was still inspearable which is why Joseph's reaction didn't phase me as much as it did Zayn.

          I sighed quietly, holding in the tears that threatened to fall. I looked up to see Zayn watching me with a worried expression. He looks away from me and towards the direction Joseph just ran in. Before I can comprehend what is happening, he's off just like Joseph was to go look for Cindy.


Third Person's pov

          She giggled loudly as she chased after the butterfly, her brown wild hair whipping sharply in the air from her rapid movements.

          An unnoticed stone rolled under her foot, tripping her as she landed with a soft thud on the floor. Tears pricked the corners of her brown eyes as she raised her previously bent head towards the blue sky.

          There, she saw an eagle circle around her high in the sky. Its black and white wings soared elegantly and its yellow beak shone gracefully. Its black beady eyes, unlike the rest of its body, was dull and plain. She didnt like that.

          Her claimed butterfly fluttered by causing her to stand up abruptly in glee. Now this she liked. She liked the bright colours splashed mercilessly around its body, colours of orange pink and red danced around it. It's wings swung playfully to and fro, urging her to tag along. She did.

          They travelled past the bridge just a bit further away from the park and into the dark woods. She was to mesmerised by her new friend whom she planned to catch and take home to her siblings to be scared of the darkness that enveloped her.

           Many trees and bushes later, she stopped sudenly staring dreamily at the sight that beheld her. She made her way forward, hastily pushing back the branches that disposed such beauty from the outside world. With an inner smile, she turned towards her now made clearing, proud of her discovery. Quietly, she looked around for her friend who had led her here. To no avail, she sighed deeply, if only Cindy could find her way home.


           "What the hell where you doing, you should have kept an eye out for her. How could you have let this happen!" Joseph fumed as he continued his lecture.

          "I swear to God," out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Zayn flinch but payed him no mind. "If you blame me one more freaking time, I will make it a duty to flush down all your carrots", said in all seriousness, "What the hell do you mean by let this happen? Im not gonna stand here and take this crap from you. Who do you think you are!?"

           If looks could kill, I thougt desperately while eyeing him. I took in his rigid stance and his sharp breaths as his chest heaved up and down, his blue eyes a now icy colour, and felt I had defended myself well. With a sharp turn, I stomped away from them feeling a heaviness fall on my chest with each step I took, walking away from where Cindy ought to be found.

          Comming to a stop, I huffed loudly throwing my hands up in the air exhaustedly,"Cindy!" I tried desperately only getting a large amount of wind being blown in my direction. I shivered softly from the cold thay had been seeping in with the night, tying my hands around my bare arms with the sun long gone.

          With a defeated sigh, I turned around towards the direction I had just come and sulked away. Within a few seconds, my body came to a sharp halt when I heard a loud rustling sound.

          Slightly frightened, I hesitantly turned towards it's direction, my feet rooted to the ground as I anticipated my death. Only God knows what happens to girls who are still at the park around this hour,

          Ready to shout Joseph's name, I paused when the sound stopped. I let out a breath I hadnt known I was holding and calmed myself down. It was probably just the wind

          Moving hastily away, I heard a small voice ask, "Jojo?"

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