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          "Ma!"Joe yelled while knocking on the door. I stood behind him silently watching Zayn who was next to my brother. Joe was just about to knock again when the front door opened.

"Cindy,"I asked confused,"What are you doing home?"I questioned.

          Instead, she ignored me throwing herself at Zayn's legs."Zaynie!!" She yelled. I huffed quietly and walked into the house looking for my mum. I jogged up the stairs and quickly washed my face in the hallway bathroom to rid myself of any makeup. I changed into my grey sweats and a yellow spongebob long sleeved crop top, tying my hair into a messy bun, I made my way down the corridor towards my mum's room.

          I knocked on the door waiting for permission to come in."Come in!"I heard her yell. I twisted the doorknob walking slowly into the dark room.

"Mum?" I questioned looking for the light switch. I found it and switched it on gasping at the sight infront of me.

          "Mum, are you okay?"I asked kneeling down at her side of the bed being careful to avoid the snot stained tissues that decorated her bed.I placed my hand carefully on her head feeling it for a fever. She pushed my hand away smiling at me."Of course im fine, I just caught a bit of Joe's cold,"she said. Nodding unsurely, I stood up from where I had been kneeling on the floor and walked towards the door.

           "Do you need anything?"I asked her over my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it darling, I already got the medicine from the doctors. I had an appointment."she informed me. I left the room, not before my mother's request to switch the light back off.

          I sighed once I had closed the door leaning my back against the oddly cold door. I closed my eyes thinking of how it used to be before, when we werent this poor, when mum didnt have to work overtime causing her to take stress medicine just so she could pay the bills and afford to keep us in school.I sighed for my Cindy and her crappy childhood knowing she could have had something better than this, I sighed because up until now, I was too embarassed to bring my friends into my excuse of a house, because once they found out im, well not poor but struggling financially, they might drop me. I pushed myself off from the wall and made my way down the stairs, shaking my head to rid myself of the negative thoughts.

          I listened to the steady pounding of my feet going down the stairs and turned into the direction of the living room and smiled fondly at Zayn who was yet to notice me.Cindy sat on his lap as they snuggled with each other watching Adventure time.

         I turned towards the other direction, headed for the kitchen, and found myself thinking of the brown eyed boy.His sweetness is what attracted me to him, his ability to care for others, including children and to be so understanding.As usual, i felt the usual pang of guilt run through my veins before i noticed Joe chopping onions. I watched as he put them in a sauce before going to the chopping board and tackling the stale carrots that were yet to be boiled.

          I raised my eyebrows at him giving him a questioning look as to why he was cooking.

           "Mum is sick,or so Cindy told me", he started,"So im making dinner tonight, and Zayn is staying over ," he finished while staring at me."Dopehead!" I joked taking a bit of carrots and throwing them on his head."Ive seen mum, poor woman got her cold from you,"I pouted.

          "Are you mad woman! That is no need to make the carrots suffer!"he yelled. I laughed clutching my arm over my slightly aching tummy due to my brother's obsesitty of carrots. According to him, carrots should be treated like people and should be shown respect. Also, eaten with respect. At the thought, I laughed harder making water spill from my blue crystal like eyes.

           I looked up to my brother's face noticing the tip of his ears itching with red. Haha, jokes on him cause he feels like laughing too. I stopped laughing abruptly when I saw my brother hold up a pack of my sweets in his hands gotten from the fridge now it was his turn to start laughing.

Halo people♡

So, just incase you guys are confused, Zayn is at her house watching tv with her little sister.Shes in the kitchen with her brother who does not have a cold anymore. Her mum is upstairs with a new found cold. Her brother has a special love for carrots while she has a sugar craving which in this chapter and the next, I used sweets to describe. Also, just incase you havent noticed yet, Jo and Joes ears turn red when they are laughing or about to laugh.I apologise for the short chapter.Dont forget to vote and comment.



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