Oh No

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Oh No

Word Count: 471

Pairings: 11th Doctor x reader

Warnings: fluff, so none really

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: Sometimes a slip up can be a good thing.


You watched the Doctor ramble on about something you couldn’t even remember. He was jumping from one foot to the other as he moved around the console. You tried to stop your laughter, whenever he tripped over his own feet when he turned to face you.

“I meant to do that.”

He fixed his bow tie looking embarrassed. You couldn’t help but laugh at his sheepish look as he tried to act like nothing happened.

“I love you.” You laughed.

Your hands flew to your mouth and you stared at him with wide eyes. He stared at you with equal shock and for a moment neither of you moved or said anything. You suddenly wanted to be anywhere in the universe but here.

'Oh no

You thought in a panic. You tried desperately to explain yourself or come up with some excuse but you had none.

“I… um… that came out wrong…”

You quickly hurried from the room and the Doctor stood there dumbfound. He slowly processed your words, just staring at where you once stood.

'I love you

The words played over and over in his mind. He slowly walked over to the controls, aimlessly messing with a few of the gears. He just couldn’t seem to process you had told him you loved him.

“Of course I love her, what’s not to love about her, but her loving me that’s…” He muttered.

The Doctor froze after realizing what he had just said. He ran a hand through his hair.

“Oh no.”

You had been laying on your bed wishing you could just disappear. You just wanted to curl up somewhere and never have to face the Doctor again. Fate seemed to have a different plan in mind because next thing you knew the Doctor was yelling for you. You mumbled curses under your breath as you begrudgingly made your way back to the console room. You looked around confused, when you didn’t see the Doctor.

“Down here!”

You looked down through the glass floor to see the Doctor sitting on his swing messing with various wires.

“Bring me my sonic! I left it on the console!” He said.

You looked around for it thankful the Doctor had seemingly decided to ignore what you had said earlier. You grabbed his sonic walking down the stairs to give it to him. You quickly handed it to him and turned to leave. His next words made you freeze in your tracks and your heart stop in the best way.

“I love you too.”

You spun around to face him, not believing what you heard. He was still messing with the wires, acting as though he hadn’t said he loved you back.


He smiled brightly at you and didn’t hesitate to repeat what he said.

“I said, I love you too, Y/N.”

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