Late Nights

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Late Nights

Word Count: 712

Pairings: 11th Doctor x reader

Warnings: none

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: You enjoyed your sleep, you loved it. Unfortunately when the Doctor had you on speed dial, sometimes sleep wasn't possible. You didn't mind though, you enjoyed the late nights with the TimeLord.


You buried your head under your pillow. You tried uselessly to block out the loud, annoying ring from your phone. The ringing stopped before starting again. You let out an exaggerated sigh and grabbed your phone from the nightstand. You didn't bother looking at the caller ID, to tired to really care.

"Yeah?" You mumbled.

"Y/N! You're awake good!" The Doctor's cheerful voice said.

You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You glanced at the clock and nearly let out a frustrated groan. It was 3 a.m.

"Yep, been awake for hours." You said sarcastically.

The Doctor didn't seem to notice the sarcasm and you heard him messing with something in the background.

"Great! Move the couch! I'll be there in a jiffy!"

You raised an eyebrow and an amused smile tugged at your lips.


"Right, never saying that again, just move the couch." The Doctor huffed.

You laughed and muttered something hanging up. You sluggishly got out of bed, stretching your tense muscles. Your house was right over a rift, which was how you had meant the Doctor. The TARDIS had appeared in your living room to refuel. You had at first threatened to throw a lamp at him, but after he told you who he was, and showed you the inside of the TARDIS, the two of you spent the night talking away. It had become a routine thing now, he would show up every so often and spend the night talking with, telling you of his adventures. You pushed your couch out of the way, and moved your coffee table to the side. Almost as soon as you had moved everything you heard the familiar VWORP of the TARDIS.

'One of these days he'll forget to warn me and crush my couch.' You thought with a smile.

Once the TARDIS had fully materialized, the Doctor poked his head out. He smiled widely when he saw you standing there. He strolled into your living room and fixed his bowtie.

"You really should be asleep! Staying up so late isn't healthy." The Doctor scolded.

You gave him a blank look, and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Oh... I woke you, didn't I?"

You crossed your arms and gave him a tight smile.

"A bit yeah."

He cleared his throat, avoiding your gaze and you took pity on him.


He smiled brightly and nodded eagerly. You made your way to the kitchen and started making the tea. You heard a crash from your living room and leaned over to glance in. The Doctor was attempting to hide your now broken picture frame, and doing a very poor job at it. He noticed you glaring at him and shuffled to the couch. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to making the tea. Once it was done you brought him a cup, sitting beside him on the couch with your own cup.

"So, what trouble have you gotten into this time Doctor?"

He looked at you, your eyes shined with curiosity and interest. He smiled and dived into the story of how he faced the Weeping Angels at the Aplan temple. He rambled on, both yours and his tea long forgotten. You listened intently, trying to fight off the sleep that made your eyelids feel heavy. You smiled when he started rambling about the Ponds.

"I'd love to meet this Amy girl!" You said.

"Oh no, the two of you together would be an utter disaster!" The Doctor exclaimed playfully.

He contiuned to tell you about the Angels and you yawned quietly. You tired to stay awake, really you did, but your eyelids felt so heavy. He had been so caught up in telling the story he hadn't noticed you fall asleep. He glanced at you falling silent, his lips turned up into a soft smile, and he lifted you into his arms. He carried you back to your room, laying you in bed and covering you up. You mumbled something incoherent and pulled the blankets closer to your body. He kissed your forehead.

"Goodnight Y/N."

He walked out your room and back into the TARDIS. Truth be told, the TARDIS didn't need to refuel, he had just wanted an excuse to see you. He smiled as he closed the door behind him. Had he waited just a few more moments he would have seen you open one eye and smile knowingly.

"Goodnight Doctor."

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