While You Slept

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Word Count: 1462

Pairings: 11th Doctor x Reader

Warnings: angst, fluff, sad fluff

A/N: Request from Broccoli-child

Summary: You looked so peaceful, so relaxed as you lay there. If only you had just been sleeping, it would have made seeing you like that easier. He tries to keep you a secret,  to keep the questions away, but his companions were a curious couple and now there's questions to be answered. But was that a door opening?


If he didn't think about it too much he could almost convince himself you were just napping, resting your eyes. But this was The Doctor, he always thought too much, and he knew that was just a useless lie he told himself. You weren't napping, you weren't going to be waking, just like you hadn't for the last two months. 

Or maybe it'd been longer?

Time flowed differently in the TARDIS, and he wondered if maybe it'd been years. He knew it wasn't though, but it did feel like it.


The voice of a woman pulled him out of his thoughts, and he stood from where he had been seated beside you.

"I suppose I should go make sure they're not getting into trouble. Curious lot they are."

The Doctor smiled a little as he fixed the blanket that was laid over you, making sure you were comfortable. He suspected if you were awake you'd make some sort of joke about it him who was too curious for his own good. He missed your banter.

He missed a lot of things about you.

He slipped out of the bedroom you were in, hastily locking the door behind when he saw Rory and Amy approaching.

"We've been yelling for you for a while." Amy said.

"Have you?" The Doctor asked, walking past them.

"Well not long, but we were looking." Rory said.

Amy glanced back at the door the Doctor had walked out of. The door he had locked in such a hurry.

"What's in there than?" Amy inquired.

"A room."

Amy frowned at the vague answer and hurried after him and Rory.

"I know it's a room, but what's in the room?" Amy pressed.


His answers only made her more curious, and she pried for more.

"What kind of things?"

"Things!" The Doctor sighed.

He walked up to the controls on the TARDIS pressing a few buttons as he deliberately tried to ignore them. More accurately Amy's questions.

"It's a room filled with things, why are you so curious?" He asked finally looking at them.

"Why are you so dodgy?" She countered.

The Doctor stared at her a moment, his expression grim, but as soon as they'd blinked he was back to his usual happy self.

"Where shall we go to next? Or when? So many places!"

He was changing the subject, even Rory knew as much, and she planned to use it to her advantage.

"We should let Rory pick this time." Amy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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