Counting Sheep

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Word Count: 612

Pairings: 10th Doctor x Reader

Warnings: none just a bunch of fluff

A/N: Request from someone on Tumblr.

Summary: Traveling the universe and running from various dangers with the Doctor, didn’t allow for much sleep if any. It really leaves you no choice but to get creative when it came to when and where you did sleep.


“Did you know this planet has two suns! The days here are so long that they actually…”

You looked around at the strange and exotic city. The vibrant colors, and the way the building were shaped was unlike any other planet you had been to. You were so distracted by everything around you that you had stopped listening to what the Doctor was saying. You probably would be enjoying it more if you weren’t so tired.

“Have I taken you to midnight yet? Beautiful planet, as long as you don’t want to go to the Sapphire Falls of course. Nasty bit of business really I… Y/N?”

He stopped walking, looking around confused. He could have sworn you were right behind him.

“Y/N! Where have you gone this time?”

He received no answer, but then he really didn’t expect one. The Doctor sighed before beginning his search for you.

“Why do they always run off?”

It didn’t take him to long to find you but it was where he found you that left him surprisingly speechless. You were laying on a rather high pile of crates, nestled on a stack of blankets, sound asleep. The shopkeeper was even staring, watching you sleep on his merchandise.

“Is she with you?”

The Doctor smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

“Yes afraid so, I’ll get her right down.”

The Doctor turned to look at you again, then back to the shopkeeper. He leaned in close to the shopkeeper as if he was about to tell him a secret.

“I don’t suppose you know how she got up there? Maybe a ladder or something?”


You stumbled through the halls of the ship, avoiding the debris that had fallen while the spaceship was in the midst of falling apart. You had gotten separated from the Doctor yet again, it seemed to be a pattern, but you weren’t worried. Where ever the Doctor was he had already stabilized the ship and most likely had everything under control. You however, you just wanted to find the TARDIS.

“Am I on the wrong side of the ship?” You mumbled, nothing seemed familiar.

You passed a room, pausing when you saw what was inside. You looked around the halls for any signs of other living beings but you saw none. Well you couldn’t find the TARDIS, so this was a good a place as any to wait for the Doctor.


The Doctor jogged through the halls, keeping an eye out for you as he headed for the TARDIS.

“I fixed it! We’re not going to explode anymore! Well not right now anyway.”

Once again you were no where to be found. He continued to shout your name as he ran. He paused as he ran past a room, for a moment he stood there trying to work out whether he was seeing things or not. He slowly leaned back to peek back into the room.

“I’m beginning to wonder if you are even human.”

You had found the mess hall of the ship was snoozing away on top of a control panel. The Doctor approached you slowly.


He shook you a little, but you just swatted his hand away, mumbling incoherently. He laughed and shook his head. The Doctor grabbed your arms’ pulling you into a sitting position. You groaned in protest.

“While your ability to sleep anywhere is very amusing, I think your bed might be better.” You groggily opened one eye to look at him.

“No life threatening adventures for a few days, I need a solid eight hours of sleep.” You yawned.

“Well I can’t promise that, but I will try my hardest.” He smiled.

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