Jungkook "My Shy Bunny" 21+

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Jungkook was the shyest boy I had ever gone out with. We met in middle school and then started going out during high school. It took all the courage he had within him to ask me out though. I still remember it as if it only happened yesterday.

There was rumours circulating around about Jungkook having a crush on me and I definetly had a thing for him.

He had came up to me one lunch time, his hands were shaking and he couldn't even look at me. He stuttered over his words before sighing heavily and just walking off. He couldn't do it but I knew exactly what he was going to say.

I decided to give him some time to cool off before meeting him at the library later that day. I waltzed in all happy and then asked if he wanted to go out sometime. He of course agreed and we went out on a date.

He felt guilty that he hadn't been the one to ask me out so he made every effort to make it the best date I'd ever been on. He sent flowers to my house and got his best friend, Jimin, to drive us to our date location.

His confidence grew a lot since then over these past few years but he was still extremely shy and nervous over certain things. His cheeks would go really red whenever I kissed him or hugged him but it was nothing compared to when he was asked if we'd ever "done it" before.

I found him utterly adorable, despite his muscular and masculine appearance. The only time he really came out of his shell was around me when we were alone together or when he got jealous.

I was pretty well known around the school and had a few guy friends. Jungkook would always end up coming over and wrapping his arms around me to warn the others off. I always found it sweet and even did it on purpose sometimes just so I could feel his warm embrace around my body.

It was a nice day and we were just finishing class as it was now the winter break. I always got extremely excited around the winter break because Christmas was my favourite holiday. I had asked Jungkook to wait for me after class, a bit pointless because he always waited whether I asked him or not anyway.

I wandered out and there he stood waiting by the lockers. He had his earphones plugged into his phone and a large coat around his body.

He hadn't noticed me so I crept up on him and then wrapped my arms around his torso. He jumped slightly in surprise as he turned to see who it was. His expression instantly softened and a small smile appeared on his face when he noticed it was me.

I moved around to face him as he removed his earphones from his ears to give his attention to me.

"Ready to go?" He then asked as I interlaced our hands together and swung them around gently.

"Yep, are you?" I asked in return making him nod happily in return.

He then pulled me along the corridor and outside as we made our way to his house. He was going to spend the night at my house but he needed to pick up his stuff first. The air was comforting as well as the atmosphere as we made our way down the street.

"What did you do in class?" I asked happily looking up to meet his gaze.

"Not a lot, Taehyung kept getting ink everywhere and Namjoon broke a paintbrush" He said rolling his eyes.

I laughed at what he said, he always had a funny story to tell after his art class. I knew quite a few of his friends and we all got along well. I did have a feeling that Jungkook didn't like me around them though. They made inappropriate jokes around me and Jimin was a pretty flirty guy, especially with me.

"Did you finish your drawing you had been working on?" I then asked remembering he had spent weeks drawing something he wouldn't tell me about.

His eyes lit up and an even bigger smile formed on his face

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