Jimin (Werewolf) "Beg for it, Alpha" 21+

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Jimin's POV

Who am I? They say I'm like a poisoned apple. Delicious and mouth-watering from the outside, my appearance having the ability to strip of both men and women's underwear off with just one gaze. On the inside though, I was black and rotten, like a dark angel in disguise. There was no sympathy when it came to me and my feelings, I did things my own way. I could be labelled mysterious, cold, charming, but I was not someone to mess around with. I had desires that were deeper than the ocean, that would destroy you both physically and mentally, stripping you right down to your own apple core. I was a gone-out flame that left darkness looming in my heart and every inch in my body, all the way into my veins. Women craved nights with me only wishing they had never met me. I may look like the vision of a rose, but I was more like the sharp thorns on the edges, and no one could handle me. I couldn't help it though, I only wanted one-night stands with women anyway. Keeping them around wasn't my style and forming relationships was simply a waste of energy. 

You see, people don't realise how much time some people spend wasting tremendous amounts of energy just to be normal. Me though, I didn't even bother, a hand through my hair was enough to make all genders swoon, it makes a relationship not worth having. How could one woman possibly give me everything and make me feel for them, when all I was really craving was their bodies. They told me it'll be different when I have a mate, but I don't think so. In this world I get to choose a mate, and in my twenty-four years of living not a single soul has left me with an ignited heart or craving for more of them. No woman has ever ruffled my wolfs tail or made me want to learn anything beyond the size of the underwear just so I can visualise my hand grabbing their ass. I understood the rules of when I would mate with someone though. I may be cold at times but if I were to have a mate, we would solely be each other's with no other in our thought of mind. 

If there's one thing I've learnt in life so far, its's that people will forget what you said, they'll forget what you do, but they'll never forget how you made them feel. I made women feel something. I made them shudder and break, cracking into their deepest mindsets and breaking them into two. One night with me and there couldn't be anything else attached, I wasn't interested. Once I've broken you, you won't be strong enough for more, you'll crave me but to me you're then dead energy, boring. I may be an alpha, but I didn't have a pack. The world didn't work like that no more, it was more like a social hierarchy amongst towns. All wolves ran free and borders were wiped away back in the nineteenth century. Ever since, we've basically been living lives like humans with the added bonus of being able to shift. 

The world was still a worthless piece of shit though, all us wolves having to hide our identities still. Some things will never change I suppose. That's another thing though, the rules I give to myself. No strings, not attachment, no next day plans, and no god damn humans. They were too much work; they couldn't handle it and they have emotions that wavered too erratically for my liking. 

That's why I only spent my time down at 'Le Packs" strip club exclusively for werewolves. It was basically my home every evening. I was here so often that the others who turned up, knew which seat I liked to sit in at the bar, and wouldn't sit there because of it. My other favourite spot was by the railing, a few meters away from the front dance pole. I'd lean over it, a glass of whiskey in one hand, and rake my eyes down the dancer that was on that night. They would always try so much more when they saw me watching them, their hands suddenly running through ever strand of their hair, touching every part of their body. 

The woman on tonight was one of a dark-skinned beauty. She was rich in look and taste, her thick lips decorated in a shade of purple lipstick that matched her lacy attire. Her chest stuck out wildly like a pair of balloons and her ass shook like a bowl of jelly with even the slightest movement. My eyes didn't leave the look of her lustful gaze on me, her lips parting as she desperately tried to appeal herself to me. I didn't show any sign of emotion, she wasn't who I wanted. The woman at these places were always so desperate for attention and it had me bored. I wanted something new. If there's one thing anyone should learn, is that you should never beg for my attention, it makes me feel even more powerful and so much easier for me to control your feelings. I was confusing though, because I didn't want too much of a challenge either. Just a new flavour, a different texture to devour and taste. I lifted up my glass to my bottom lip, taking one last look at the dancer as she twirled herself around the pole before downing the rest of my drink. I then stepped away and made my way back over to the bar, ordering another drink, throwing a few bills down and twisting myself around to watch the crowd. With one elbow resting on the bar, my head cocked, I wondered, who should I play with tonight?

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