Jungkook (Werewolf) "Heartthrob Mate" 21+

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Isn't if funny how when you like someone, you start to notice that everything about them seems more attractive, even when it seems normal to everyone else. Their facial features seem more appealing. The sound of their voice is much sweeter and soothing to the ear. Their laughter sounds suddenly cuter than you remember it once being. Every little thing about them reels you in, and their imperfections, if possible to even find any, suddenly seem to become perfectly imperfect. I guess it's funny how our view on someone depends on how we feel about them, and in the case of Y/N, she was everything. 

She was the kind of girl that would look down if you stare at her for too long, and the one that turns away quickly if you catch her looking.

 She's the kind of girl who did nothing to her hair and relished in the simple things like what shape of animal in eraser form should she use that day. 

She was the kind to cry herself to sleep sometimes and the kind to care too much about what you say but too little of what you thought. 

She's the shy girl to the eye but would still laugh at your jokes whether they were funny or not just to try and make you feel better. 

She was the type to ask you how your day was as well as the type you'd find asleep on the couch from staying up too late waiting until you came home.

 She'd be the one girl any guy would happily give their sweatshirt too, just because you know it would come back smelling sweeter than before simply as she'd come with it. Sometimes in class I like to turn my head sideways and just look at her, and she's looking back at me. I know she see's something, this teeny-tiny hint of something more, something she feels but cannot say. When our eyes meet it's like we're instantly connected and I know no one sees it but me and her, but I like it like that. It's our thing. It's like our own secret. 

Her eyes are gorgeous too, like pools of hot honey but also streaks of violets, blues and greens swirled within. They were like whirlpools of magic, colourful and bright but with a dark shadow surrounding the corner. There are times when I want nothing more than to just stare into her eyes, it may seem like we're in complete silence yet it's the one time when we end up saying the most. 

Little did she know how much I truly happened to know about her, and no, I wasn't some crazy stalker. We'd been in the same schools since kindergarten and she'd been my mate for the past eight months. I knew her favourite coffee order, her favourite book, the way she bit her nails when she got nervous and pulled at her hair when she was excited. I knew where she would be if I couldn't find her and every friend she had ever had. I also prided myself upon the fact I had memorized the location of every freckle on her face and what constellation of stars they happened to replicate.

 I'm not sure she even realises how much I miss her even on the days when we are near. I'd catch myself walking around to find her during her breaks when I was supposed to be in class, and not for any reason, just out of habit because I found something I thought she might like, that or I just wanted to hear the sound of her voice. Sometimes I'd spend over half an hour searching only to realise she'd already gone home or wandered off campus and honestly it was like having the wind knocked out of me. I knew that on the rare occasion she would be smiling it was because she was overindulged in some romance novel over some man she would later have dreams about. That and when she blushed, I knew it was because she had gotten to the steamy chapters and her innocent mind refused to process those parts. It's in those moments I daydream back to my own thoughts, reminiscing of last night's dream over her laying besides me in my shirt. She'd be there besides me, acting all innocent and cute whilst I trailed my fingers down her back with the only intention in mind of getting her all hot and flustered. She would to, and she'd try and get up to escape, but then I'd press my lips to hers and she'd suddenly forget any thoughts of wanting to leave me. Guys tend to think it's the ones who are the loudest who you have the most fun with, but little do they realise it's the shy and quiet ones with the darkest of secrets. 

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