Jungkook (Werewolf) "Silent Love" PART 2

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(When I typed up all my stories I never saved the documents after converting them into a video format and putting them onto YouTube. The only way I could put them onto Wattpad was by going through the video and retyping it out from the video. A subscriber named "Amour" kindly offered to do it for me so I could focus writing new stories and the series. Please wish her lots of love and thanks! This is kim-Seraphina from YouTube and this is still my own original story, I'm just giving credits to the subscriber who spent time retyping my story from my YouTube video so it could be uploaded onto here by me xxx)

I woke up the next morning feeling someone's fingers against my cheek. Their warm touch making me feel all fuzzy inside. When I fluttered my eyes open, Jungkook was there, knelt beside the bed looking at me. He had obviously gotten up quite early because he was already dressed, and I could smell the fresh scent of soap on him. I smiled softly pushing my cheek further against his hand. He chuckled and moved upwards to sit at the edge of the bed. 

"Good morning sleepyhead" he said pulling me to sit up. 

I frowned at him, a little confused at what he called me. He laughed a little before leaning forwards to move the hair away from my face.

 "Did you sleep well?" He then asked making me not gently in response. 

He continued to admire me just as my nose suddenly twitched at a floral smell that was coming off of Jungkook. I leaned forward a little till my body was sat on his lap and smelt his shirt. I then let out a little sneeze from the strong odor. He looked a little confused but didn't seem to mind the fact I was now set on him. 

"Flowers?" I then said, looking up to him a little lost. 

He's eyes widened and he rolled his eyes at me.

 "It was meant to be a surprise" He then said jokingly as he picked up a bouquet of wildflowers from the floor. 

He must have gotten up early to go and find them out from the forest. It was an array of sunflowers and daisies, which grew all over forest, but were quite hard to usually find. My eyes widened in surprise and happiness as a wide smile spread across my face. 

"These are for you" he said carefully handing me the flowers and cautiously watching my reaction.

 I admired them and leaned down to smell them. They were fresh and floral with a sweet scent of Jungkook, since he had picked them out. 

"I wasn't sure what flowers you liked so-" I quickly cut him off pecking his lip reassuringly, letting him know I liked them. 

When I pulled away, he blushed a little and looked away shyly. I placed the flowers down next to me and moved closer to him so I could nuzzle my nose into his cheek. He laughed a little at me, but I could sense how much he was loving my affection. He moved his hands onto my waist and eventually began to nuzzle his own nose into me too. I giggled as he then brought it down to my neck tickling my skin slightly. When his nose ran past the soft spot on my neck a quickly jolted back slightly. He kept a hold of me, and I knew there was probably a smirk on his face. He didn't act upon it though and instead pulled his head back up and moved his hands gently up my arms.

 "I have a meeting with Namjoon but Jin made breakfast downstairs if you're hungry" He said smiling at me.

 I nodded and looked down noticing I was still only wearing his hoodie... with nothing underneath either. He quickly shook his head and laughed a little. 

"Don't worry... his mate Jisoo said she would let you borrow some of her clothes... she's really happy there is another girl in the pack" He then said grabbing a hold of my hands and bringing them up to rub his nose against the back of them.

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