Jungkook (Werewolf) "Silent Love" PART 1

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(When I typed up all my stories I never saved the documents after converting them into a video format and putting them onto YouTube. The only way I could put them onto Wattpad was by going through the video and retyping it out from the video. A subscriber named "Amour" kindly offered to do it for me so I could focus writing new stories and the series. Please wish her lots of love and thanks! This is kim-Seraphina from YouTube and this is still my own original story, I'm just giving credits to the subscriber who spent time retyping my story from my YouTube video so it could be uploaded onto here by me xxx)

I wandered forwards through the forest, my paws plodding quietly against the dirt. I had decided it was time to find a new place to set up and sleep. I had been living all my life by myself, ever since I was a wolf pup. My parents were with me till we became under attack and they ended up dying trying to protect me. I had run as far as I could into the forest and had been by myself ever since. I hadn't come across any other form of life since then. At first, I was scared and lonely, but I was pretty much used to my own way of life by now. I stayed in my wolf form the majority of the time, since there was no need to be human. I played around with the leaves and ate berries which I found in the bushes. I was 18 now and I knew that meant I should probably be out finding my mate and I would be lying if I said I didn't crave some sort of comfort. My mom had told me so many stories about how amazing it is to meet your mate and what it's like. I dreamed about it almost every night. 

What colour would his fur be? 

What about his eyes? 

What if he's an alpha?

 I had many thoughts running through my mind since I had a lot of time to spare. My thoughts however, were always clouded over when I realized I would have to communicate with my mate. I hadn't been in contact with anyone in years and I can't remember the last time I spoke. I feared he would turn away from me and think I was weird. I'd never lived in a house and eaten freshly cooked food. I was always on the run and my parents preferred living the old-fashioned wolf way. I had set up by a tall tree, but it had become overrun with water during the storm a few nights ago. I wasn't angry though, it meant I could go find a new place to settle. I let my fur blow through the wind as I ran further into the forest. It was almost evening and I hadn't decided on the perfect place. God knows where I was either, I hadn't bothered tracking where in the forest I was because I simply didn't know. I was brought to a large opening as I ran through an overcrowded swarm of bushes. I came to halt. The air was crisp, and the grass was green. It was perfect. There was a large tree to the right which looked just right for a wolf of my size to sleep upon. I plodded forwards letting my body slump to the floor. I snuggled my head into my body and closed my eyes. During the middle of the night my nose began to twitch. I could smell something... or someone coming towards me. I quickly opened my eyes and sniffed the air. I could clearly smell the deep musky scent of werewolves. I must be in a pack's boundary. I quickly stood up shaking my fur before quietly plodding backwards in attempt to leave without being caught. My wolf was excited knowing there was wolves out there, but I was way too scared to face anyone just yet. I plodded forwards before coming to a halt as the bushes next to me began to rustle. My ears perked up as my body trembled in fear. I took a single step forwards before hearing a low growl from behind me. My heart pumped wildly as adrenaline kicked into my system. I quickly made a break for it running forwards, back through the forest. I could hear loud paws clawing from either side of me. A loud howl was then sounded as the wolves either side of me sped up. I looked to my right seeing a large seeing a large, brown wolf with blue eyes. His appearance was scary but not anywhere near as scary as the wolf to my left. He wasn't very big, but he had huge muscles that looked strong. I kept running forwards, my legs going numb and my breath getting heavier. I ran fast for a female wolf but nowhere near as fast as the males beside me. I swerved around a bush letting my paws splash onto a small puddle. My wolf was getting tired, but I couldn't stop running. Just as I was about to turn a tremendous amount of weight collided into my body slamming me into the nearest tree. I let out a loud howl in pain as my body collapsed to the floor. My vision was a little hazy, but I could just about make out the two large wolves coming towards me.

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