Jimin (Werewolf) "Possessive" 21+

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(When I typed up all my stories I never saved the documents after converting them into a video format and putting them onto YouTube. The only way I could put them onto Wattpad was by going through the video and retyping it out from the video. A subscriber named "Amour" kindly offered to do it for me so I could focus writing new stories and the series. Please wish her lots of love and thanks! This is kim-Seraphina from YouTube and this is still my own original story, I'm just giving credits to the subscriber who spent time retyping my story from my YouTube video so it could be uploaded onto here by me xxx)

I rolled over on the bed, the bright light shining a ray across my face. It was rather early since I needed to be up for school. I smiled, adoring the figure laid out beside me. His hair stuck up in places and his lips parted ever so slightly. His hands clasped around my tired figure as his breathing fell soft against my skin. Me and Jimin had been together since the day we found each other. He was my mate. I knew it from the second we laid eyes upon each other one morning. Ever since that day, Jimin had then claimed me as his and of course he was quite overly possessive. He had forced me to move in with him and the other members of his pack from day one. I wasn't complaining though, I rather enjoyed having a lot of company around.

It was always great knowing I was in a very high up pack who no one ever dared mess with unless they were stupid or crazy. Jimin wasn't the leader of the pack, but he was rather high up given he was one of the strongest. Jimin of course had his adorable side too, even if he hates to admit it. He often whines when he thinks I'm not giving him enough attention or I'm speaking to one of the other pack members.

To start with I just ignored him, but when I hear him growl aggressively in my direction it's kind of hard not to be afraid and then waltz back on over into his arms. I wasn't no slave though, Jimin respected my limitations and that I sometimes needed space or freedom to talk to people besides him. He had always been very protective and caring too. He tried his best to keep me happy and protected whenever needed too. But today felt oddly different. It was the first day back for a new year at school and the tension radiating from Jimin's body was enough to make anyone fall to their knees in fear. We were in every class together in the previous year, making him gleefully happy as so he could keep an eye on me.

However, this year...was different.

We were separated for everything and I could practically feel the tension worsen everyday it got nearer to this very day. He had made it clear to me last night that I was to wait for him after every class. I was also told not to talk to anyone without asking him first. I agreed with him in order to keep him calm, but I knew I was bound to have to speak to someone in one of my classes. I wasn't a jerk and I wasn't going to let my mate stop me from being nice to people... even if he was a very scary werewolf at times. I leaned forward nuzzling my nose into his neck to try and wake him up. He grunted whilst letting his hands run gently underneath his t-shirt, he had made me wear to bed last night. His fingers delicately grazing over my skin making the wolf inside of me practically bounce of the walls with excitement.

"We need to get up" I said softly letting my hands glide through his soft hair.

He pulled me closer towards his chest, burying his head into my neck to nibble at my skin gently.

"It's still so early" He then mumbled rolling his body back onto his back.

I chuckled and sat up letting my hair fall down my back. He looked up at me, his eyes turning into small crescents as he smiled smugly.

"What?" I said adoring the soft expression he was giving me.

"Nothing" He said back as he sat up himself and climbed out the bed to head over to the bathroom.

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