Jimin (Werewolf) "The Alpha's Daughter" 21+

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When I was ten, and very stupid, I was utterly in love with my dad's Beta Jimin. It was one of those unusual scenarios, but the way this man spoke so soft yet huskily over things like battle plans and food was truly obscene. It helped that he was fucking gorgeous too. His warm chocolate hair that laid in a perfect curvature across his forehead, his eye smile whenever he laughed, and just his laugh was like a cure for any illness I would ever conceive. He was quite a few years older than me, but I was convinced he would be the man I would marry. How foolish right? I remember always finding excuses to hang around him, drawing pictures for him and finding any reason to be in my dad's office just to be around him and have him notice me. We grew close too. Jimin would pick me up and twirl me around in his arms, would always be the one making me feel better when I was upset, and he looked out for me.

 Everything changed after the summer of my twelfth birthday though. My dad was insistent on sending me to a boarding school, miles away from home until I was seventeen. He feared a war would be starting soon and that It would be good for me to be away from any personal distractions and focus on becoming an intelligent, bright-minded female wolf. I was hesitant, a little afraid, I'd never been away from home. I had no say in the matter though and left that Autumn. Packed with a single carrier and backpack, I was shipped on the next train out of town to the South where a century old building was, shielded by trees and away from any form of social life. 

For the next four years I had no contact with anyone but my father on the odd occasion each month. I spent my time studying, training, becoming the perfect female wolf any male would wish to have on their arm. I lived every day on portioned meals and in school skirts which came to my mid-thigh. I attempted to make contact with others from the pack, regularly sending letters and updates of my life, but I never received any in return. I had a few replies back from Jimin but after a while he suddenly stopped. 

After a year I simply gave up on everyone, well, everyone except Jimin and my father. Jimin may have never responded but it gave me some sort of comfort expressing my thoughts to him. I wrote about how board I was at boarding school, how much I wished I was home. I wrote about the many hours a week I would spend studying and preparing for exams. After a while I began to notice my letters were getting more formal, my handwriting neater and I was suddenly no longer that ten or twelve-year-old anymore. I was sixteen and my hair had grown out past my shoulders. My face had matured, my chest was no longer flat, and I was holding my head up higher. That was also the time I gave up on writing to Jimin, I focused on wanting to finish school and then return back home to fulfil my duty as my Alpha father's daughter.My crush on Jimin had faded away, but he was still very much in my thoughts, although I knew I needed to focus on other males now, to find my mate. At any point he could turn up and I couldn't have any loose ends with a stupid crush on my mind for when he was too.

 When I turned seventeen a year later, I had matured even more, my face more framed, body curvier with even more shape and chub, and the appetite for food other than just chocolate. I felt nothing for thinking of going into my final year of school. I was planning on doing as told, passing the exams, staying top of my class and graduating. Needless to say, I was rather shocked when I received a letter on my seventeenth birthday informing me that my father had requested home after all these years. 

"To my darling daughter, the past five years without you has been difficult, but I promised your mother before she passed that I would protect you from danger and raise you to be a woman of generosity, kindness, and independence. Boarding school was the best decision I made for you; I truly believe that. But I am forever growing older and the pack is becoming duller without your lively presence. I am requesting you to be returned home immediately, Alpha's order. There is a school here now in which you can complete your final school year and hang with your old friends. I look forward to seeing what a wonderful woman you have become. See you soon, Father first, but foremost, Alpha Namjoon Kim" I wasn't sure how to feel.

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