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Todoroki's POV:
I grabbed Midoriya's waist and sat him on my lap, I hated the challenge but I didn't want Midoriya to die of Soy-sauce overdose and it be my fault for not excepting the dumb challenge. "Challenge excepted." I coldy stared at Uraraka, "Let's begin" She did a cruel smirk.

"Spin the bottle Deku." She calmly went back to her original happy mood. I thought she was going to push us together or something, wait don't think of that!, I pushed my thoughts aside and noticed Midoriya was talking. "Denki, I dare you to have your arm around Jirou the hole time!" Midoriya cheerfully smiled. "Ew he smells like sweat Midoriya!" Jirou complained. "HEY!" Denki shouted in embarrassment. "Just do the stupid dare." Jirou crosses her arms, just then Denki put his arm around Jirou.

"HOLD UP!" Uraraka shouted and smirked at Midoriya and I. "I forgot something, to make sure they keep their dare." Uraraka then got up and came back holding these, dog collars?

"These babies are shock collars, now to make sure they stay close, these collars automatically shock somebody when they are far away from the other." She smirked, staring at Midoriya. "Uraraka, this is to far." I calmly informed her, but of course, she didn't listen.

Uraraka then came over to Midoriya and I and put the shock collars on us, I didn't argue because I just want to get this over with.

Midoriya's POV:
It was awkward and uncomfortable sitting on Todoroki's lap, but I pushed it aside. After a few spins later Uraraka asked, "Hey can somebody hand me a cup of water, I think I drank to much soy-sauce." It looked like she was about to pass out. "Yeah I will get it." I offered, walking over to the kitchen when I felt a large flash of pain in my neck.

I collapsed onto the floor, the sting making me go limp, I forgot, I thought the stinging was going to stop after a while, but it didn't. So Kirishima picked me up and brought me over to Todoroki, it looked like he got a shock to, "Th-Thanks K-Kirishima." I thanked him sitting next to Todoroki, my knees up to my chest, just then Uraraka smirked. "I guess you have to drink this." She smirked, holding the soy-sauce bottle. "Wh-Why I-I'm right n-next to him!" I complained. She then pointed next to me, I looked at where she was pointing, it was Todoroki's lap. I groaned and sat on his lap. "That's so gay." Kacchan teased me. "At least I didn't kiss somebody..." I grumbled, crossing my arms. "IT WASN'T THE LIPS DEKU! IT WAS JUST ON HIS CHEEK!" Kacchan yelled about to hit me when Todoroki stopped him. "You're right Bakugo, it's nothing, and Midoriya was just joking and even you should know that." I was surprised how Todoroki kept calm. 'Tch' was all Kacchan said before sitting next to Kirishima.

Uraraka clasped her hands together, "Now that everybody had been asked a question what should we do now?" This time everybody was clue-less on what to do. "How about we keep it simple and play truth or dare?" Denki suggested, I was nervous, I knew what Uraraka was going to do. I will just say truth then... I thought.

"Sounds good." Momo answered Denki. Uraraka then went to put the shot glasses and soy-sauce away and when she came back she set the apple cider bottle aside and asked. "Who goes first?" "I will" Todoroki answered, now I think about it, Todoroki never did really play the last game. "Sounds good." Uraraka cheerfully smiled at Todoroki. "Kirishima.." Kirishima had been looking at the ground until Todoroki had caught his attention, "Truth or Dare?" He calmly asked him. "Dare, I'm no wimp!" He bravely stated, Todoroki lifted his eyebrows trying to signal him to rethink but Kirishima stayed with Dare. "Flirt with Bakugo." Was all he said before Kacchan got angry. "WHY ME! I SWEAR HALF AND HALF YOU AND YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND WILL PAY!" Kacchan yelled, I looked up at Todoroki and he looked at me, our eyes had met and his cheeks were a tinted pink. "Do the dare Kirishima." I then saw a small glimpse of Todorki smile, and was it adorable.

I could feel my cheeks heat up from his hotness, I guess Kacchan noticed because he smirked at me, as if he had something planned.

Kirishima then turned to Kacchan, "Your muscles are nice and uhh... you have a really awesome quirk, that's all." Kirishima face was as red as his hair, "That's not how you flirt," Todoroki told him. "Well then you DO IT!" Kirishima yelled in anger. Todoroki then took my face and made me face him, our eyes had met, our lips were millimeters apart. Until Todoroki pulled away, "and that's how you uhm...flirt." He said clearing his throat. "But all you did was te~" was all Kirishima said before Todoroki interrupted him, "let's just go to the next person.." Was all Todoroki said, I then saw his cheeks were red, I couldn't help but blush as well...

I still wonder what Kacchan will do

Hey guys! So this chapter was a little short because I HAD to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, anyway the next chapter will be 1000-2000 (hopefully) anyway, hope this chapter gave you mixed emotions because as an author we have to do that oof.

                                      April 10th, 2019

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