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Midoriya's POV (when the bell was going to ring):
Everybody in Class 1-A was staring at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring. I planned on quickly leaving and finding Uraraka's dorm room, she wanted to go to the cafe and talk about something. I wonder why Tsu isn't coming with us, I guess it was private so I just went with it.As soon as I heard the bell ring I grabbed my bag and made a run for it down the hallways and to dorm room 23.

I unlocked the door and practically threw my backpack in there, trying to leave quickly so I wouldn't interact with Todoroki. I then quickly shut the door and made my way to the girls side.

I was slowly walking when I heard a familiar handsome voice call for me "Midoriya wait!" I turned my head and saw Todoroki spirting towards me, this triggered my flight or fight. Now me being me, it was actually Flight or Flight.

I made a run for it, I didn't stop running until I made it to Uraraka's dorm room. Here you go Deku, I needed to talk with you, don't worry it's just us! Asui had to do some....things. I recalled what she told me, I remember her making a pause when she handed me a piece of paper with her dorm room number, something wasn't right, but I just brushed it over my shoulder.

I lightly knocked on the door and out came a cheerful Uraraka in a pink and white stripped t-shirt and light blue jeans. "Deku! You're going in your uniform?!" I felt like she was my mother, Uraraka always had a motherly side to her. "I-I didn't want to interact with Todoroki." I quietly said under my breath, I guess she heard me.

She sighed and started talking, "When will you learn Deku." I hesitated to ask what she meant by that, and we started walking to the Cafe.

Todoroki's POV:
I should have done something, now he hates me, I thought, while sighing. I was about to walk to the dorm when I felt a grip on my shoulder. I then heard a frog ribbit, "Todoroki, I know you're thinking Deku hates you." I stood still, not making a move. "How about we go get some coffee at the cafe." I turned around to face Asui she had gave me a bright smile. I was going to hesitate but I agreed, she is one of Midoriya's close friends, I guess I could trust her.

~time skip when the two had arrived at the lovely cafe~

We arrived at the cafe, it had an aroma of Pastries and Caffeinated drinks. Asui and I sat down at a table in the far left corner. "So, why are we here?" I said, getting straight to the point. "I was going to give you advice to help you get with Deku." I wasn't so sure if I actually like Midoriya but I nodded my head while she started talking.

Midoriya's POV:
We walked in and the building smelt of pastries and coffee, Uraraka and I sat down at a booth on the left side of the building. As soon as I sat down she started talking, "Deku you need serious help." I gave her a puzzled look, "Listen, not trying to sound rude. Todoroki isn't the problem, you are. You keep thinking these dreams are for real. Do you actually think Todoroki has the guts to push you off a building?!" Hearing if from her, I guess my dreams were quite stupid.

I sighed and then started talking, "I guess you're right, it does sound stupid when somebody else is saying it." I started laughing, and so did Uraraka. "You should give him a chance, so what if he doesn't like you?! There's plenty of other fish in the sea Deku!" Her words really gave me the self esteem I needed.

I gave her a bright smile and she returned it back. "Oh hey guys!" I heard a ribbit, I looked up and saw Asui giving a smile at the both of us, with Todoroki by her side. "Hey Tsu!" I gave her a toothy smile. "Anybody want a lemon cake and a coffee?" Uraraka spoke up, Todoroki and I raised our hands.

"Okay then! We'll get it! Todoroki go and sit down." Uraraka practically shouted while grabbing Tsu's hand with her and shoving Todoroki across from me.
I then realized what Uraraka and Asui were tying to do.

They were trying to set us up.

Todoroki's POV:
I sat across from Midoriya, okay, just remember what Asui said


It sounded weird when I thought about it but, I guess this is what I have to do. "Soooo....How was you're day?" I said, grabbing his full attention towards me, Damnit Shoto! That had nothing to do with a compliment! I shouted at myself in my head and Midoriya spoke up. "I-I'm f-fine." His stuttering made my cheeks go red.

I didn't have anything else to say, what's taking them so damn long!, "T-Todoroki-Kun." I looked at him, my attention was on his sparkling emerald green eyes, all I replied with was a 'hm?'. "I-I just n-need to kn-know...." I could tell he was choking on his own words. "D-Do you a-actually like......L-Lemon Cake!" He practically shouted those words, I could tell that's not what he wanted to originally ask.

Midoriya's POV:
"D-Do you a-actually like......L-Lemon Cake!" I practically shouted at him, Dang it Izuku, you made it so obvious... I gave myself a mental slap. "I guess." Was all he said before looking down at the table awkwardly. I started twiddling with my fingers, dang it Izuku, you always find a way to mess things up.

I wondered how long the girls were going to be, it was awkward for a moment until Todoroki spoke up. "I like your shoes Midoriya." He spoke in a low voice. "Th-Thank y-you. I g-got th-them f-from~" I was going to finish my stuttering of a mess when Uraraka and Tsu came back with 4 Lemon cakes and 4 Cups of coffees. "We're back!" Uraraka chimed while setting the food and drinks down in the middle. "Th-Thank y-you." I stuttered.

"No problem Deku, and remember you wanted to ask Todoroki something!" She practically yelled, wait, I didn't- Oh Yeah, I forgot she's Uraraka, the one who loves to set up people together. Todoroki looked up at Uraraka then stared at me in curiosity.
"I-I uh... wanted to ask if...uh...you wanted to....m-maybe g-go to an a-amusement park sometime this w-weekend." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously while being a stuttering mess.

Todoroki looked at Asui and then back at me. "Sounds good, how about Saturday?" He politely asked, w-wait, he actually agreed? I was confused because Todoroki wasn't the kind to go and hangout. "Th-That sounds f-fine!" I responded, giving him a huge grin. I heard Uraraka make a little noise, I looked at her and looked like she was going to squeal so loud that Mexico could hear her.

Hopefully this hangout will work on Saturday

Sorry that it's been forever but I'm caught up with trying to earn money for cons but yeah! I have a week left of school so hopefully I can get back on track.


Finished:June 1st,2019


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