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I added the photo cause I thought it was adorable
Midoriya's POV:
I woke up to the curtain perfectly making the sun reflect on my eyes, yet again. I sat up and yawned, thankfully I didn't have any nightmares, but something else was headed my way.....

I had to be roommates with Todoroki

I've been trying to ignore him before my nightmares became reality. I once told Uraraka one and she basically said I was over exaggerating, and how she knows Todoroki would never do that, but I don't know.

I stretched my arms and swung my feet over the bed and put on a black hoodie with black jeans and started to pack my suitcase.

"Let's see..." I checked my list I wrote down of things I would most likely need. "Yep, I have everything." I smiled to myself. "Are you sure you didn't just pack All Might action figures?" I jumped, I guess my
mom had checked from behind me, making sure I had everything.

"Moooommmmm..." I whined, "Okay, Okay Izuku. I get it." She chuckled while giving me a soft good bye hug. I could then hear her crying, "I'm going to miss you so much Izuku." At this point she was bawling her eyes out, I just pat her head and simply said, "I will to." I gave her a hug back, trying not to shed a tear, it stayed like that for a while until I spoke. "Well mom, I love you and all but I have to get going before I'm late." I pulled back from the hug, and she just chuckled while responding with an 'okay Sweetie.' Before walking off to her bedroom, I just chuckled and started heading out.

~Time skip~
I was near the U.A gates, my suitcase rolling behind me, until I saw Uraraka and Asui hand in hand. I just sighed and looked at the ground while walking, don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for my two friends, it's just, I wish I didn't have those nightmares and be so afraid.

I walked inside the building and into class 1-A (just a heads up, in this fan fiction, the dorms had been already built), I opened the door to see a worried Todoroki staring at my desk, that's strange, he never usually pays much attention to my surroundings, I thought to myself walking over to my desk, placing my suitcase next to my chair and sitting down.

Todoroki's POV (beginning of the day):
I woke up to the sound of beeping, I looked at my nightstand and practically broke the alarm clock, trying to turn it off. Endeavor must of left because I don't hear constant shouting, I thought to myself.

I swung my feet over my bed and went to the bathroom to see how badly beaten up I was. I looked in the mirror to see I had the same horrible bruises, clear as day, on my face. I sighed and went to find my sister, I walked out of my bedroom and went over to her room. I knocked once before hearing shuffling and a soft 'come in.'

I opened the door to see my sister making her bed, I leaned against the door frame "Is it okay if I use your makeup?" I asked, glaring at her with a cold stare. She sighed and said "I wish he would stop hurting you, but yes, you can use my makeup for the injury Shōto." I gave a silent 'thank you' while making my way to her bathroom.

~Time skip after his Make-up Tutorial (and thinking about Midoriya)~

I looked in the mirror, I looked...normal. I didn't do anything to my scar so nobody would notice I was wearing makeup. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to smell breakfast being made, I checked my watch and saw I had no time for breakfast, I tried rushing out the door while grabbing my backpack before my sister yelled for me.

"Shōto, I made some toast, eat something so you have energy for your class!" She shouted, I checked my watch and sighed while jogging to the kitchen and back out the front door. I had two rolling suitcases and a backpack on my back.

My mind kept wandering onto Midoriya, what are these feelings I keep having? I wish I knew...

Midoriya's POV (left off his last POV):
Sensei Aizawa was giving us a lecture on what to do and what not to do because some of us had boy-girl partners. I tried focusing but I felt eyes glaring at the back of my head. "I wonder why he's so worried about me...maybe I'm that desperate and imagining things...It wouldn't seem like me, after all I'm trying to avoid him, maybe I shouldn't? No, this is for the best." I kept mumbling to myself, I guess I didn't know how loud I was mumbling because a second later when I looked up, all eyes were on me.

I was going to say something when the bell rang, "That's the bell for you guys to go unpack, when the second bell comes, come back Immediately" He made an emphasis on the immediately part. I quickly grabbed my suitcase and made my way to room 23, trying to avoid everybody.

I was almost there when Uraraka came running up to me with Asui. "Hey Deku!" She beamed, giving a toothy smile. "Hey Uraraka." I tried to smile back. "So, Tsu and I were thinking that maybe you needed help to unpack." I stopped in my tracks, it would be nice so I wouldn't have to face Todoroki that much... I turned to look at her, "That would be amazing, since I have a lot of All Might stuff...mostly posters." I grinned, while Uraraka chuckled on the last part.

We made it to my dorm, I grabbed a key out of my pocket and opened the door to reveal a bed with a nightstand on each side, a small kitchen, a door leading to the bathroom and a couch with a t.v. "W-wait, it's only one b-bed! I-I d-don't remember Sensei A-Aizawa talking about th-this." I stuttered, I heard Uraraka giggling behind me.

"Well duh you don't remember silly! You were to busy muttering!" She exclaimed, giving in more laughter.

This is gonna be a long year....


Sorry it's been a while since a chapter, I'm just busy with school and life.

Anyways, I'm so glad I could publish this chapter!

Words: 1097

Finished: May 16th, 2019


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