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There is quite a bit of switching POV so just keep up with it 😃
Todoroki's POV:
"Well then YOU DO IT!" Kirishima yelled at me, and then something flickered, I was unable to control the movements of my body. I grabbed Midoriya's face and pulled him to mine, our lips had been millimeters apart. I tried backing out but this 'thing' took over, all I could see was Midoriya's sparkling emerald green eyes. I somehow gained control of my body and quickly pulled away, "and that's how you flirt." I looked away from everybody, avoiding all eye contact, thinking about what I had done. "But all you did was te~" was all Kirishima had got to say before I had interrupted him, "let's just move onto the next person."

Uraraka clasped her hands, "Maybe we should tone down this place, it's much pressure because Deku already has a huge Dare on his hands. So let's watch a mo~" Just then Bakugo decided to be in the conversation. "Truth or Dare?" Bakugo intensely stared at Midoriya. "Bakugo maybe we shouldn't push hi~" I was trying to warn him, but of course, he didn't listen. "One more couldn't hurt, right Deku?"

Midoriya's POV:
I guess just one couldn't hurt, "T-Truth." I answered, Kacchan pulled a smirk, what have I done?!, I panicked. "Who's your crush in this room?" Was all he said, I knew he would do this but I was a fool to think he wouldn't try to embarrass me, he's Kacchan after all! I tried to speak, but all I did was open my mouth, no words had came out. "It's not that bad of a question Deku!" Kacchan yelled at me, forcefully trying to get me to answer. I tried to speak but I couldn't, I looked up at Todoroki, he looked at me and then looked away, like I was......nothing. I started bawling my eyes out, my legs had started to run, I didn't know where. I then felt a crucial pain in my neck, and everything went black.

Todoroki's POV:
"MIDORIYA!" I yelled for his name, he had forgotten what would happen once we split. "Todo... don't worry he won't get far, I de-activated your shock collar and upped the pain for Deku so he could pass out without running away or out of the house." Uraraka tried to calm me but it only made me angry. "CAN'T YOU HEAR YOURSELF?!" I yelled at her, my left side showing sparks of flames, she had looked puzzled. "YOUR TREATING US LIKE DOGS, LIMITED PLACES, COLLARS, YOUR PRESSURING MIDORIYA AND I!" I yelled at her, and somehow yanked the collar off and ran to find Izuku.

I had found him in a dark hallway, I sat down on the floor and noticed how peaceful he looked, his frizzy green hair parted all ways, "god, what I would do for this kid." I whispered under my breath, and then I rethought what I just said, did I really say that?

Uraraka's POV:
Had I really been treating them that badly?, I hadn't noticed my actions, I only focused on getting them together, I should have focused on their comfort zone, I can tell him the Dare is off, when he gets back, so many thoughts of my regrettable actions filled my head when Bakugo interrupted me. "Well now we know Midoriya's a bottom." He snickered. I just ignored him and so did everybody else, Todoroki them came back with Deku in his arms, carrying him bridal-style. I went over to check on Deku but was pushed back by Todoroki. I frowned and sat down on Momo's couch.

"Momo, do you have a spare room Midoriya can stay in until he wakes up?" Todoroki has a worried tone in his voice, did I really do something that wrong?, I questioned my actions. "Yes, follow me." Momo motioned to follow him. Why do I always cause a mess, I held my head in my hands, holding back the tears, I hope he can forgive me...

Midoriya's POV:
I awoke in a very modern, and expensive room, This isn't my hou~, oh yeah, the sleepover. I had realized I was in Momo's house, I sat up on the bed and bring my knees up to my chest. "I wonder why I passed out, wait I forgot that I had the collar on, why did I have to run away when Bakugo asked who my crush was, I could've said I didn't have one. I always just run without control, but that's why All Might had picked me, or that's what he said. Why didn't I just tell Todoroki I~" I hadn't realized I was muttering until a certain someone got my attention. "Tell me, what?" I looked up and saw Todoroki leaning against the door frame, staring at me, his sparkling mismatched eyes always made my heart melt. "T-Todoroki-Kun, I-I'm sorry I d-didn't realize I was muttering again." I told him, my face was red from the embarrassment, I just hope he didn't notice.

Todoroki's POV:
"T-Todoroki-Kun, I-I'm sorry I d-didn't realize I was muttering again." Midoriya informed me, I then saw his face turn the color of Kirishima's hair, I could tell he was embarrassed. "It's fine..." I told him, looking the opposite direction. Awkwardness had filled the room, so I decided to break it. "Can I sit?" I asked Midoriya, he nodded his head yes. I sat down on the bed, not far from him. "So do you want to tell me why you ran off Midoriya?" Once I had asked him that question he started stuttering, "W-well you S-see T-Todorki, i-it's ju~" I then interrupted his chatter, "Midoriya, if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to. I-I just need to know if you are okay." I had accidentally stuttered, I hope he didn't ask why, and good thing is he didn't. " I-I'm fine and M-maybe we c-can talk about this when it's the perfect time." He suggested, I nodded in response. "If you need me, I will be in the living room with the rest of...everybody else." He nodded in response while I got off the bed, making my way out, and closing the door.

As I was walking to Momo's living room I had thoughts about some things such as, Why is it whenever I talk to him he stutters the most, Why did I stutter? Did I show affection towards a classmate, if I did, why did I? I guess I didn't realize where I was going because I bumped into Uraraka, "Sorry Todoroki! Is Deku awake?" She quickly apologized. "Yeah he's awake." I told her, and she walked off. "If I was him I wouldn't want to see you." I grumbled under my breath.

Uraraka's POV:
"If I was him I wouldn't want to see you." I heard Todoroki grumble underneath his breath, I knew he was still angry about what I did, he had made it very clear while Deku was alseep he gave me, death stares, snarls, e.t.c. Once I had found the room Deku was staying in, I knocked lightly. "Come in." I heard a bright voice signaling me to make my way through the door. I opened the door to be greeted by Deku sitting up on the bed. "Hey Deku." I gently said, sitting down on the bed. "Hey Uraraka, is something wrong." I guess he had noticed my face, and that's why he asked if something was wrong.

"I-I'm sorry that I made you do things to treat you like a dog, I should have focused on your comfort space, the dare is off, I'm just really sorry I made you do those horrid things."I held back my tears, not once making eye contact with him. "Aw it's okay, Uraraka." Deku told me, giving me a warm hug. "To be honest, if I said dare to Kacchan he would make it 100x's worse." He whispered, we both laughed, knowing that was a true statement.

"While you were asleep, Todoroki had been giving me some pretty harmful looks, like 'I want to kill you when nobody is around' look." I told him. "Don't worry Uraraka, he will never-ever harm you...ever." He told me, which made me somewhat happier knowing he was not mad at me. I pulled away from the hug, "so you forgive me....right?" I asked him, he nodded in response, I had a sigh of relief. I was just glad he forgave me,

I hope Todoroki will to...

Word count: 1444
Another cliffhanger, this has been the longest chapter I had made, as I said, this was somewhat in the range of 1000-2000 words, have a nice day :)

Finished: April 13th, 2019

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