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Copyright © 2014 Ilyse smith


They say airviana was created by a beautiful nameless goddess who was given the sky by the sun god, to show his love for her. In return she created a species of people in the image of earthlings that would worship the sun. The Guardians of the universe did not agree with the union between the Airian goddess and the sun god because of the unrest it had created between the ruler gods and their planets

The sun would only rise for her and her people, this disrupted the galaxy alignments. The Guardians advised them to make a treaty in which the sun would share the sky with The moon goddess so that the sun god would rightfully for fill his duty to the galaxy. This meant that the people of Airviana now had a choice in who they would worship. The moon goddess brought forth illumination into the darkness and this formed an alliance that promoted healing and regeneration and calmness of emotions along with feeling and intuitive spontaneity. Which was in complete comparisons to the things inherited from the sungod like pridfullness , judgmental attributed and a headstrong mind set. During the illumination of the moon each night the sun could fulfill his promise to the other parts of the galaxy.

For Millenniums the goddess of Airviana was envious of the moon and her people that worshiped her.

Because as it was destined she was the sun gods soulmate. It made her sick and bitter watching the moon goddess revolve around him.

She made it so that only children born of worshipers to the sun god could rule Airviana. The rulers where head strong and had ruthless and fiery tempers.

This caused the people who adored the moon goddess to rebel against the Airian goddess which resulted in splitting Airviana in to two countries.

Sunarkia (sun worshipers) and Celenia (moon worshipers).

This did nothing but create unrest between the people in airviana however the guardians could not get involved because of the treaty that had been placed between the moon and the sun. As long as they kept the treaty to share the sky over airviana the galaxy remained in peace.

This outraged the nameless goddess and she declared she would leave and return to the star system she was seeded from. As airviana continued evolved so did the people that lived. It is said the future of Airviana is decided by

The sun god. Who is said to have sent his intentions in to the universe letting the galaxy know that he would continue to govern airviana despite the the tension and war the people lived in. The moon goddess however had other plans to Inspire the next ruler of Celestina that would result in the peace of the million year stand off between the two sides. No body is to know the coming of this ruler but she is said to be a women born of the moon. Through out the yeas all rulers of airviana have been male rules born under the sun.

You see the airian people were not able to choose who would rule the kingdoms, only fate would decide. The oracles and seers from the sacred temple would often get incites from the sprits giving them clues where the next ruler would be born or maybe something like a object that would represent the new ruler.

When the news leaked from the sacred temple of Airviana. The sunarkian people began to question the likely hood of the myth that was spreading. Their had never been a female ruler born. The chosen rulers had been all men and born with birth markings of the sun god. There was not a female alive that held the marking of the sun god. The city of Celenia welcomed the news with excitement rulers ceased to exist there as the people freely reigned and worked together as a huge support system rather then governed by a hierarchy. They would seek help from the gods and elders of the moon temple that held markings of the moon goddess.

The sacred temple was situated at great boarder between the two lands. Both elders of Sunarkia and Celenia resided in peace here, the temple was huge and abandoned since the time of the nameless goddess. A collection of great seers and worshipers of both the sun and moon lived with in the temple walls and the millions of acres that ran between the two countries. The people rarely leaving only to deliver important a prophecies to cities.

Ryu Aviur was the ruler Airviana during the time of the birth of the female child started to circle. He had made it so that if they could find the child she would be brought before the governors of Sunarkia to be slayed he had plans for his first born to rule in his name. He did not care for the fate chosen succeeder. The people of Sunarkia had decided that if the ruler wasn't of the sun gods descendants then it would not rule. Ryu seen that being the last decent it is only fair his child would rule 21 years from now.

The people of Celenia had taken the child born in the sacred temple and moved her deep in to the dead land of Celenia. Ryu and the sanarkian army had forged a war on the sacred temple which had led to them joining forces with Celenia to try and keep peace at the boarder.

The dead land of Celenia was far from the city edging the end of south Airviana which was uninhabited over growth and mainly rain forest land used for training warriors.

Ryu after invading both the temple and Celenia and finding nothing set his plans forward for his son to take over when he came of age.

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