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Copy right Ilyse smith 2014©

The sun rise was the brightest I had seen it in a long time. Which only excited me because that would mean the full moon that would arrive in a day or so would be magnificent. I watched from
My window was the middle house of the temple seemed to be extremely busy with people.
It seemed people were rushing around in this wing aswell the noise of movement could be herd faintly as I listened.
Kyra and the house keepers burst in to my room ushering around with dresses and things. They too were dressed as smartly as kyra " we need to get ready before they sound the chimes. There is to be a punishment held at the courts, one of the guards is to be trailed they sent the message through out the temple this morning" the house keeper rushed.

Punishment? I couldn't help but feel guilty for my harsh words to Anakin last night this was my fault. " what are they punishing him for?" " for bedding with a Celenian women, it's a criminal offence punishment for such crimes is death. If she is not a citizen of Sunarkia" she sighed.

" that's ridiculous," I dressed quickly. " why does the whole temple go?"

" they have to it's to remind us never to betray" she sighed and helped fasten my dress. " a miss lily and Mariah are waiting for you both at the courts" she continued.

Something in my chest was swimming around ready to unleash its self. It was the silliest thing I had heard of.

We headed in to the gardens and towards the main temple where thee courts were. The chime rang with a ping that set a. Eerie tone for this bright day. Men dressed in suites discussing treason was a joke. I could truly see how un free these people were. " do you know who the guard is?"
The old maid looked at me with a sadness coating her eyes. She nodded gently. Certain that this would be his demise.

The sunarkian older sat close to Anakin and his followers. At the head of the courts. The workers and people of the temple sat in opposing sides around the room.
And on the left side sat all the women. A minority apparently. Ryu wasn't present which had me questioning things. Mariah sat amongst the older and adio and his cold eyes stood by the sunarkian army that were seated in the room.

The hostility in the room was unbearable. No one dared to move. As people took there seats no one uttered a word.

" last night one of you committed a crime against us. A crime that had been illegal since the reign of the great ruler Nyeel." Anakin spat. He was boiling beneath the surface. He stood disgust clear on his face the fire in his eyes danced as he scanned the room they lingered on me for a second and his lips held a small smirk.

" relations with a celenian who is not a citizen of Sunarkia is punishable by death. Anyone who dares to indulge in such a relationship is not worthy of being Sunarkian. Only a half breed come of this sort of disgusting behaviour. Not only do I not accept this kind of behaviour from
One of the top redgiments nor do not expect it from any. To keep his secret from the temple is also punishable. there for Isiah kazum of Regiment one I hear by sentence to death." The room wash clearly shocked at his announcement as chatters began. But they were easily silenced as Isiah was brought out. I felt the disgust and fear more as I graced his face it was him. Isiah Xavier's friend. My heart sunk, I wondered if he knew. I went to stand up but my knees weakened seeing his state. He was topless, his face busied from where they had inflicted blows to his jaw, but the thing that had me weak was the fresh burn marks lacing his back. I was disgusted. He could barely stand alone.

Adio and I shared a gaze. Why was he here? He shook his head as if warning me not to get involved. But his warnings had fell to death ears.

" one last chance give up her where abouts, and free your friends of your death. Live a little longer," Anakin spoke with a humour in his tone.It was disgusting and humiliating. Isiah even in his weakened state looked him in the eye and smiled. I seen this had Anakin second guessing. Isiah wasn't afraid and that made me proud.. " I rarther die" he spat before Anakin.

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