☆ Not Alone In This

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" Hi noona " Charming smile? Check

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" Hi noona " Charming smile? Check. Happy eyes? Check. Cute looking in his clothes? Check. Hotel? Trivago.

Jimin was practically glowing today. All students noticed how he's a bit too happy; it was almost suspicious to the students.

And then he comes, to greet Yoon Haeran with that overly suspiciously happy aura of his, everyone snaps.

" what is he doing with her? "
" are they .. together? "
" Damn that lucky bastard. Haeran subae is too good to be true "

Jimin ignored al those snarky comments about them, focusing his attention on his crush that smiled back at him.

" Hello Jimin. " she greeted back, his name coming very nicely out of her, it pleased Jimin. It pleased him that he is no longer hiding anything from her.

" Are you ready to go? " he grinned.

Haeran tilted her head, her smile still on " you look .. excited? "

" I do? " he wondered, giving a somewhat happy sigh, " Yeah, A little. I get to be with you after all " he said the last sentence a bot shyly.

The students, who were watching the scene were in pure awestruck. Their jaws dropped at they stared back and forth between the two.

Haeran's cheeks turned red, easily. Shyness crawling back to her at his words.

She tucked her short hair behind her ear, showing her 2 piercings. Finally giving Jimin another smile " L-Let's go to eat, yeah? H-Hoseok wants us t-to gather " she said shyly.

Jimin returned to his confident, happy self. " Yup ! " once he turned around to walk, he noticed how everyone was just still staring at the two.

He raised a single brow, his smile dropping to a thin line as he challenged those who made eye-contact with him with an intense look.

" Did you need something? " it came off as rude from him, since they were rude to stare and comment about them, he realized he was a bit pissed in that same moment.

Talk about mood swings.

" um .. are you two .. dating? " a female squeaked from the crowd.

Haeran stayed silent. She didn't know how to answer. She didn't even know her current status with Jimin but-

" Yes we are. While I'm at it, stay 5 meters away from her, I'm not tolerating any of your asses flirting or insulting my girl. " he bluntly said.

Haeran's jaw almost dropped at how blunt that statement was. Swiftly, he turned around to catch Haeran's wrist gently in his hand to pull her away, so they'd go to the cafeteria where they'll have lunch with the rest of their friends.

" So ! " his hand slipped from her wrist to her hand, to intertwine their hands together.

This was going too fast. Haeran couldn't keep up with all of these overwhelming feelings.

He just declared the two of them as a couple infront of half of the school population. Not to mention threatening them to stay away from her as well.

How was she suppose to react in such situation?

" Hoseok hyung wanted us to gather? I wonder what for " He wondered outloud.

Haeran stared at their intertwined hands, her fingers loose while his were clutching tightly to her hands.

You wanted this Haeran.
You have to act like you do.
Stop letting shyness control you, you are not the timid, small, easy-to-pick on Haeran. No, you are Yoon Haeran.

" He was excited for this gathering. Something about a .. surprise I think " Haeran mumbled.

" How was your first class? No one is bothering you, right? " Jimin asked, casting her a stern look at the last statement.

Haeran felt a bit odd at his behaviour " No one is, my class is just fine "

" good. " he muttered incoherently. He's not about leave anyone's throat if they're at Haeran again. He's finally happy with her, actually holding hands with her and actually dating her. He, surely, will not let anyone ruin this for him.

" Jimin? " she called, oh how pretty his name sounds from her.

" Yes noona? "

" What are we? " she gathered courage to ask. Jimin's pace slowly down immediately, he faced her, slightly looking down since the height difference was sweet.

" We are dating, why do you ask, noona? " he asked with a raised eyebrow.

" that means .. just dating or .. " she trailed off, her eyes going elsewhere for few seconds before returning to look at Jimin's eyes.

" Or a girlfriend and boyfriend? " she finished her question, cheeks going pink.

Jimin's hard expression changed in a heartbeat, he showed her that pretty smile where his eyes closes and actually radiated pure energy.

" I don't mind both, as long as it defines you as mine. "

Haeran's heartbeats fastened a little at the sudden words of his. She was used to hearing 'love' comments from strange males by now, they approach her almost everyday.

But this male, standing gloriously infront of her, was a completely different story.

She cracked a smile, the frown on her forehead ceased to be replaced by a smile that melted Jimin himself; as well as everyone who stood and watched the two flirt openly in the doorsteps of the cafeteria.

" I don't mind both as well, " she spoke vividly, then her eyes darted in surprise at the students who were watching intensely.

" This isn't a free movie ! Leave ! " Jimin, noticing how awkward Haeran has become, decided to solve the matter on his own. He puffed a breath in annoyance.

" I'm sorry, but it looks like we have to get used to this .. attention " he smiled a little, catching her hand once again.

" shall we go now? "


" Well .. hi there " Hoseok nervously greeted.

The group all sat in their usual table for lunch. Missing 2 people, Jungkook and Roa. Taehyung was sulking; not showing it to anyone thought. He was really disappointed in not winning over Roa.

But when he witnessed Roa being dragged by Jungkook to their table, that was a whole different story.

He understands when Jimin felt upset whenever he sees Haeran with another. Because at that moment, he felt pathetic, for feeling jealous over someone who wasn't ever his to begin with.

" Roa " Haeran stands up abruptly when she finally witnessed her.

" Eonnie .. " she mumbled lowly.

" And Jungkook too, helloooo " Jungkook reminded them of his existence in annoyance since everyone w as focused on Roa.

" Hey Kook " Taehyung muttered.

" Roa .. can we talk now? " Haeran asked, frowning.

Roa's heart clenched when she looked from frowning Haeran, to the sulking Taehyung, to the scared Hoseok.

She should make it up right now, for the sake of people that accepted her.

But also for Haeran's sake, because she loves her.

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