☆ Their story begins

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"Don't judge a book by it's cover."


Go out with me, " He breathed those words as the smaller girl stared at him with newfound shock. Her change in expressions shocked everyone around them who was watching.

She felt her heart racing violently inside of her chest. Was this happening for real? Was someone actually romantically interested in her?

She tilted her head. Cheeks going slightly pink making Jimin smirk. Ego growing, because he made Yoon Haeran, the iceiest and most coldest human being in Hanhwan high, actually show a hint of emotion.

The crowd was watching intensely. Seeming that they all knew what Jimin was planning, some girls feeling jealous because he gave that girl his time.

Haeran felt a weight on her chest, she knew something was wrong. She was sure as hell that something bad would happen.

But she didn't care. She wanted to feel this foreign feeling called happiness.

Witha silent nod from Haeran, Jimin let's out a grin, feeling victorious.

The crowd started whispering to eachother, feeling shocked once again that she actually agreed.


" where do you want to go? You choose. " Jimin smiled sweetly to allure the girl deeper into his charm.

Haeran, feeling awkward by the sudden burst of emotions from him, found her untied shoes more interesting.

" Oh, be careful. You might trip " with one swift movement, Jimin crouched down, tied her laces and sent another smile.

Haeran's cheeks were growing darker but she was too embarrassed to say anything.

Jimin mentally scowled. 'This is gonna be boring if all she does is nod and blush' he thought.

Haeran had her lips sealed. She silently followed Jimin who decided that they'd go to the arcade since he gave up on Haeran choosing.

'It's gonna be a little challenging to get her to fully trust me' Jimin sighed accidentally making Haeran look at him.

" G-Gwenchana? " She timidly asked.

He finally felt accomplished as she finally said something using her voice

" Yeah, just stressed about exams. " he smoothly lied.

She fiddled with her fingers a little " I-I can help you study if y-you want .. " she offered shyly.

He was impressed with himself at this point. Playing her and also having her tutor him? That's killing two birds.

" jjinjja? Gomawo Haeran-ah ! That'll be a great help " having hearing her name coming from him was very pleasing for Haeran. She felt a surge of foreign relief wash over her.

Was she relaxing? Is this for real?

Jimin felt bored with the quite atmosphere. Usually when he ask a girl out, the girl would be gushing words or things and keep him distracted. Even though most girls talk personal bullshit that he could care less about, it was better than being this quite.

Haeran on the other hand was feeling nervous. What is she suppose to do? She never went out with anyone let alone have a friend in the longest time. This was all not familiar for her.

Annoyed with the quiteness, Jimin decided to finally speak again.

" Well, How about we get coffee first? Let's recharge " he gave her his usual sweet smile that almost dazzled Haeran.

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