Chapter 33-What are you hiding, Logan?

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A/N: I know how bad the spelling can be. That wasn't intentional. If something seems off it's probably because this whole story was planned with outdated lore. I treat the sides as magical beings with more (but still human) capabilities. I'm very sorry! I get tons of comments telling me about things to change and I assure you I AM trying! With that out of the way, let's get started.
TLDR:I'm sorry this story is dumb and bad I'm trying sorry.

3rd Person POV-
Virgil walks out of the hospital in his normal clothes. Thankful Logan brought a change of clothes. Logan walks beside him uptight and rigid. The car ride is silent both parties staring at the road ahead. When they finally get close to home. Virgil taps Logan's shoulder at a red light. "How can you even drive aren't we not...physically present. How did that nurse help me?" His voice was curious.

Logan glanced at him "Unimportant. I've done this much for you without questioning your motives, please do the same for me."

They slowed into the driveway. Logan's phone rang loudly the generic ringtone muffled by the pocket it was in. He took it out and glanced at it. "I must take this. Go in without me."

Virgil didn't look him in the eyes. Just got up keys in hand and went inside.

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