Who is that?

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They were meeting in Octo Canyon today. Eight wasn't quite sure why, Three said she had some sort of surprise for her.

She arrived a bit early, because she seemed to have a habit of doing that. She pulled out her phone.

[Eight]: Hey, I don't see you
[Eight]: You our patrolling?
[Eight]: *out

She didn't want to come off as impatient, but she felt like it was important to at least check with her, since Three had said beforehand that she would be the one waiting.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Sorry, got caught up with something, I'll be there as soon as I can
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Real sorry again!

Eight sighed, but it was more out of amusement than anything.

[Eight]: It's fine, I'm good at being patient

She was about to send another message when a sound from behind her got her attention.

"Hey, hey, psst! Over here!"

And she turned around and noticed, for the first time, the very obviously there snow globe with her former king inside.

And she stared for a very brave three seconds before turning into an Octopus and swimming away, shrieking in terror.

Octavio groaned. "Hey, chill out, would ya? There's no one else here. Just us."

Eight, from a safe distance away, poked her little head out of the ink. "Bwuh! Exactly!" She whimpered in Octarian.

The DJ brought a tentacle to his temple. "Uuuuggggghhhh, look, I know you're just trying to keep up this act for the sake of your own safety, but you can't fool me, Garratia."

Eight stared at him, and swam just a little bit closer. "Garratia?" She inquired softly.

Octavio rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, it's probably very nice to hear someone say your name after having to go by that stupid fake name, yeah, whatever, but would you please stop stalling and let me out of here?"

Eight went just a little closer, turning back into an Octoling after breathing deeply. "W-why?"

The king pressed his forehead to the glass in slight exasperation. "Ugh, you know what, fine, you want compensation? Uhhh, well, you were already a high-ranking guard, but perhaps you'd like a squadron? A whole platoon, even. Is that enough of a reward?"

She took another shaky step towards him, brow furrowed with confusion. "W-w-why would I want that? I don't, I don't want to g-go back down there..."

He raised a brow of his own. "What's that supposed to mean? Of course you do. Never took you for the greedy type, do you really need more incentive?"

"I-I think you're mistaking me for someone else, s-sir." She weakly replied.

He rolled his eyes again. "Oh come on, give me more credit than that, Garratia. I'd never forget someone like you. But then again, I also never took you as one for espionage, so perhaps there's more for me to learn."

Eight shook. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about." She replied softly.

DJ Octavio loomed before her, and she flinched back.

"Must I explain your own plan to you?! Because I'm not going to do that, that would be pointless and redundant!" He shouted. "Now let me out, that's what you came here for!!"

Eight shrieked and hid in her ink again.

The larger Octopus blinked, confused and irritated. "What in the world happened to you, Garratia? You'd usually not hesitate to follow simple orders."

She replied, but chose to stay hidden in the yellow ink. "I have, I have amnesia." She replied quietly. "Whoever you're talking about, sh-she doesn't exist anymore."

He groaned again in response. "Yes, I'm aware of your alibi. But we are speaking of reality right now, Garratia. And the reality is I am starting to get tired of how you are behaving. Very immature."

She peered out of the ink, squinting. "You're...you're wrong. I'm not, I'm not faking this. I very much don't u-understand what you're telling me to do..."

He rolled his eyes, clearly not believing her. "Funny. Now would you please skip to the part of this conversation where you come to your senses and let me out?!"

She hopped out of the ink, turned back into an Octoling, and stood her ground with shaky legs. "N-no! I don't want to!"

His eyes narrowed, and her composure began to crumble under the scowl of a King. "Are you admitting. To treason. Garratia?" He growled.

Her legs knocked together, and tears began to gather in her eyes. "St-stop, stop calling me that! That isn't my name!"

"Of COURSE it is!! You're-" He stopped, and stared at her. The look on her face was one of genuine fear. He'd never seen her look at him like that. "By Cod. Are you serious. You're not actually a spy." He deadpanned, looking both aggravated and horrified.

She sniffled, took a step back, and nodded.

"What...happened to you? You were one of the bravest Octolings in the guard." His voice was much less loud now, as if he was making an active effort not to spook her.

She looked away, opening her mouth to reply, but then closing it with a shudder. She spared him one last shaky glance, before turning back into an Octopus and swimming away.

"G-Garratia, wait!" He called to her, but she'd already dove into the grate. Octavio was alone once more.

The DJ looked down at himself, contemplative. His eyes were downcast, thoughtful. He stayed that way for a few moments...before looking up, leering into the distance with anger in his eyes.

"I'm going to find who did this to you, and I'm going to make them pay."


[Eight]: sorry can we meet at my house instead

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Oh sure, I'm closer to there anyway.
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Why? Did something happen?

[Eight]: ...........octavio is um
[Eight]: right there
[Eight]: and i somehow didn't notice until today

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Oh.
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Are you ok? Was he mad at you?

[Eight]: he thought I was a spy so he was yelling at me to let him out does that count

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked to meet you there, that was poor foresight on my part

[Eight]: its ok I probably would've had to meet him at some point anyway
[Eight]: i just wish you'd have been theee when it happened
[Eight]: *there

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: You already at your house?

[Eight]: yeah

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: I'll be there in like five minutes

[Eight]: ok
[Eight]: see you soon

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: See you soon

Eight set her phone back down and stared quietly into her lap.


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