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Eight heard them speaking softly to one another from around the corner. She really shouldn't pry, but...it didn't sound like they were saying anything too secretive, honestly, so it was probably fine.

Anything to distract herself from her own bout of worrying.

"She said she'll probably have time again next week. So I'll have to double check my schedule just in case." Marina said to Pearl, as they rested together on the couch in the living room.

Pearl gave a soft laugh. "Man, lucky Four. You never clear your schedule for me." She snarked, snuggling up closer to her.

The Octoling raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "I don't need to! We sort out our schedules together ahead of time!"

"Still!" Pearl smirked right back at her, laying her chin on the other's chest. "I get the feeling she must like you more than she likes me. I could've taught her Octarian too."

"Yeah, maybe, but it's not your native language, Pearlie. I don't think it's a matter of favoritism."

Eight, from her corner, turned into an Octopus and squirmed a little bit closer.

The pair didn't notice. "That doesn't mean she doesn't like you more, though. Cuz like, I wouldn't be surprised. You more than deserve it." The Inkling sighed.

Marina rested a hand against Pearl's back. "You deserve it just as much as I do, Pearlie. You know that."

Pearl shrugged. "Eh, yeah, I do. But that doesn't change the fact that you're more popular than me. No bitterness there. Just the facts."

Marina frowned for a moment, then smirked down at her. "What, do you spend all your free time scrolling message boards about me or something?"

Pearl's cheeks went pink. "Uh."

Marina poked the tip of Pearl's nose with her free hand. "You know our manager handles PR, right? Pearlie?" She quipped in amusement.

Pearl half-looked up at her. "I...I know that. I just...it's nice to see peeps saying nice things about you, y'know?"

Marina's look softened just a tad. "Do you look up yourself much lately?"

The Inkling looked away, puffing out her cheeks but smiling faintly. "Eh, on and off. Get more good comments nowadays than I used to, which is always a confidence boost."

"Ah, yes, just what you needed. A bigger ego."

Pearl's head snapped up, a challenging glint in her eyes. "Shell yeah!! Did you know I have a fan club website?! My fans are cooler than your fans!!"

Marina snickered, an evil glint in her eye. "I'm very aware; I made that website."

Her smirk faded, startled."....wait." She began, eyes narrowing before widening dramatically. "...you're FreshOctagon!!"

The Octoling put a hand to her chest, feigning surprise. "What? How in the world did you know?"

"I knew that mod knew too much!! How dare you!! I've never been so thoroughly played!!" She poked a finger into Marina's cheek, laughing and glaring simultaneously. "Curse you, Rina!!"

Marina snickered. "What, am I not allowed to be the leader of your fan club? Because you're not going to make me stop with a reaction like that."

Fire in her eyes, Pearl leaned up to press her forehead against Marina's. "Oh yeah?" She replied. "Lookin' for a reaction, are ya?" She challenged.

Marina's smirk only grew. "Perhaps~" She cooed.

Pearl swiftly closed the small distance between them to press a kiss to Marina's lips, and then pulled back with a devilish grin. "How's that for a reaction, babe?"

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