New territory

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[Eight]: I'm glad to know the lessons are going well!

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Me too
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Honestly shouldn't be surprised by how well Cuttlefish knows Octarian but here we are

[Eight]: Wasn't he around for the Great Turf War or something crazy like that

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Nothing 'crazy like that' you had it right the first time, haha. He's older than he looks
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Not that he looks young really
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: You know what I mean

[Eight]: Yeah I do
[Eight]: What does he even do again? I don't see him very often

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Y'know
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Agent stuff. He's mission control

[Eight]: I don't know what that means but I'll take your word for it
[Eight]: I checked in with Ilkani a couple days ago and her Inkling is passable enough for what well need to do
[Eight]: *we'll
[Eight]: But I should probably test your Octarian soon as well
[Eight]: Just so I can gauge everything

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Oh definitely. When should I come over?

Eight brought her fingers to the screen and began to type up a response...but then something occurred to her.

She'd had Three come over to Pearl's home plenty of times by now. She'd gone over to Four's house with Three as well as by herself. But she had no idea where Three lived. Not a clue.

She was curious now. Perhaps she should've been curious earlier than this...but better late than never, right?

[Eight]: Actually, what if we met at your house instead? I've never seen it before.

Three didn't reply right away. In fact, a solid five minutes passed and there was no response. The little ellipses appeared and disappeared multiple times, but no reply actually came in that time. Eight began to worry. Was that not a good thing to ask? Four never minded, though...was it a rude question somehow?

She was just about to apologize for her question when she saw the ellipses pop up again, so she waited. And Three finally replied.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: You're not really missing much. I live in an apartment
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Not nearly as cool as your place, trust me

Eight frowned a bit as she typed her response.

[Eight]: I don't mind. I'd still like to see
[Eight]: If you don't mind, of course
[Eight]: I won't mind if you do

She felt a little nervous, for some reason, asking this of Three. Was she greedy for wanting to see Three's home? She honestly didn't know. Three was kind, and brave, and lots of other things that made Eight feel all mushy inside...but she also seemed to keep to herself about things. She didn't always jump to talk about herself much. Was she self-conscious? Perhaps she felt weird about her living space, considering Eight lived in Pearl's giant mansion and-

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: No, no I don't mind. Just surprised. You've never been curious about my house before.
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: ...not a house
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: I was just caught a little off-guard, don't worry about it

Eight let out a quiet sigh of relief. She'd never want to upset Three, even on accident.

[Eight]: Aaa, I'm glad. What's the address? I can have someone drop me off

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