Benny's Quest, part 6

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Five months after the fall...
"I'm sorry, I think I might've heard you wrong, could you run that by me again?" Benny questioned incredulously.

Jule rolled her eyes, as if his reaction was an over-dramatic one. "I said that a couple times a year, they send reps from the Swarm down to here and other exile towns and smash any fertilized eggs they find. What didn't you hear the first time?"

The Octarian swallowed thickly. "Ah, ok, no I heard you right the first time. And that still sounds absolutely horrifying. Why?" He demanded, an green-tinted bead of sweat rolling down his brow.

The Smallfry's mouth was a thin line. "In exchange for being allowed to live while being useless to the Swarm, we are forbidden from having children out here. We are disallowed from making these kinds of places new spawning grounds. All our eggs must be unfertilized if we are to keep them." She explained carefully. "Though...for some of us that's torture, so it makes sense they have to check up on us every now and again. Some fish here have no self control."

Benny turned a little green. "O-okay, I didn't need to know that. Why are you telling me this again?"

She let out a sigh. "Because Deco always puts up a big fight every time they search his hut; you can hear him screaming from across town. Which probably isn't a surprise to you since you've been living with him for so long, but he gets very defensive over that 'egg' of his. I'd probably hide if I were you."

Benny cringed. Everyone still didn't get what Deco was like. "I...I think I'll be fine. When are they coming, do you think?"

Jule shrugged. "Probably soon. They don't ever give us warning, but it's easy to tell. They space the visits out semi-rigidly, so it should be any day now. Keep your guard up. Deco's not safe to be around when he's certain his stuff's gonna get stolen."

The Octocopter's eyes hardened. "He's not as bad as you all think, but I'll be careful. Now...uh, what was I here for again..."


"...Other Goldies come soon? Never good when happen..." Deco murmured, his body curled around Benny's from behind as they sat on the floor.

"Wait, it's Goldies they send down here? I would've thought it'd be something less rare..." Benny replied.

"Few Goldies, Steelhead for intimidate. Cohock too, sometimes. Always Goldie tho. In charge of search." Deco explained quietly. "Always here for Deco egg."

Benny paused, considering his words carefully. "'ve never,, f-fertilized an egg though, right?" He inquired, embarrassed to even have to say that aloud.

Deco scoffed. "Small egg that hatch not useful for spend. Never do. No point."

The Octarian let out a sigh of relief. "Well that's good to know. But...since that's the case, what do you have to worry about? Jule said they only take fertilized eggs."

The Snatcher let out a quiet growl, though Benny could tell it wasn't directed at him. "Other Goldies hear 'bout Deco. Think Deco funny for keep egg safe. Always make fun when here. Try take Deco egg to upset Deco. Happen every time."

A pang struck Benny's hearts at that. "Deco..."

Deco bore his teeth. "Others think Deco crazy. Think Deco un-reason-ble. Think Deco not know what other Goldies here for." He rested his chin on the floor. "Deco not stupid. Deco know...Deco know lots. Trained for Goldie role before. Know lots."

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