Anyone have the tendency to make a Voltron AU out of literally anything?
Here, I'll be posting any AU ideas I come up with and maybe a little fanart too!
Probably not any actual fanfics but I'll Write down which characters...
Well time to combine two things that made me cry :,D Y'all go watch Maquia
(The Iorf are Alteans)
Maquia- Allura Ariel- Lance Lelia- Romelle Krim- Lotor Racine- Honerva or Melenor Mido- Krolia Lang- Keith Deol- ? (If Keith had a younger brother) Dita- Pidge Barow- Idk, but for now I'll say Coran Izor- Shiro Darel- Hunk? I guess? Onora- Kosmo
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