Voltron/ Cells At Work

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The most Kawaii biology lesson, I have ever watched
You know you're in deep, when you start shipping human body cells...

Red Blood Cell: Pidge (Or Romelle)
White Blood Cell: KEITH
Platelets: IDK?! They're c h i l d r e n
Macrophage: Allura
Killer T Cell: Oh Lord, probably Iverson
NK: Axca
B Cell: Lance
The Germs: Heckin' Galra
Dendritic Cell: Matt
One of the other White Blood Cells: Shiro
Memory Cell: Coran
Red Blood Cell's Senpai: Romelle (Or Pidge, if you switch them)
That RBC that Red Blood Cell, trains: Nadia maybe???
"Fat" Cell: Hunk or Veronica


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