Min Yoongi

36 4 1

12 June YEAR 19

I skipped school and went out, but the truth is I had nowhere to go. It was hot, I had no money, nothing to do. It was Namjoon who suggested going to the sea. The kids seemed excited but I didn't really feel like going, nor did I hate going. "Do you have any money?" At my words, Namjoon made everyone empty their pockets. Some coins and a few notes. "Then we can't go". It was probably Taehyung who said "We could walk". Namjoon made a face like he's telling him to think about it and everyone chattered away, laughing and pretending to roll around on the road while walking. I wasn't in the mood to respond so I just lagged behind. The sun was scorching. It was the middle of the day, not even the trees on the sides could cast any shade and on the road with no sidewalk, cars were passing, leaving clouds of dust behind.

"Let's go there". This time, it was Taehyung too. Or was it Hoseok? I wasn't interested so I didn't take a good look, but it was one of those two. I had my head lowered, strolling while kicking at the ground, but lifted my head up as I bumped into someone and nearly fell. Jimin was standing nailed to the spot. His face was shaking like he saw something very scary. "Are you okay?" I asked but it seemed like he couldn't hear me. Where Jimin was staring at stood a "flower arboretum" sign.

"I don't want to walk." I heard Jungkook. Sweat was dripping down Jimin's face. His face was pale like he was about to drop down. What was that? I felt weird. "Park Jimin." I asked but he didn't react. I looked up at the sign again.

"It's so hot. Why would we go to an arboretum? Let's go to the sea." I said dully. I didn't know what kind of place that flower arboretum was, but it felt like we must not go there. I didn't know why but Jimin looked strange. "We have no money." Hoseok answered me. "Then let's walk." Taehyung added in. "If we just walk to the train station, we'll make it some way or another." Namjoon spoke up. "Then we'll have to skip dinner instead." Jungkook and Taehyung whined and Seokjin-hyung laughed. After everyone began to head towards the train station, Jimin started moving again. He looked like a small kid walking with his head lowered, shoulders hunching. I looked up at the sign again. Flower arboretum, the five letters were slowing getting further and further away.

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