[ 7 ] fake relationships

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[ 7 ] fake relationships 

That night, we were set for our performance. My bestfriends had arrived today and caused a stir up with the boys. Eleanor and Luke apparently knew each other, which was totally strange. But not entirely because they both lived in Australia.

Calum seemed instantly infatuated with Suzy, but was sadly made to realize she was dating my brother George. Though I honestly think she would be better off with Calum because George isn't fully committed to their relationship. She looks like she's head over heels in love with him, while he seems so nonchalant around her. It makes me want to scream.

And then there was Michael.

He seemed to have a liking for Georgia, but she was too busy drooling over my brother Ringo to even notice.

So as night time finally rolled around, I was getting ready in my dressing room, surrounded by my best friends. Suzy let out a happy sigh, looking at the screen of her phone. "George is about to go out on stage." She mentioned. "I'm going to wish him the best of luck and millions of kisses." She giggled, typing away at her phone.

I rolled my eyes, scoffing in disgust. I hardly like to talk about my brothers, much less with my friends. My mother had gotten an agreement between the her and the One Direction management that would shorten my performance by one song, as well as five sauce's and One Direction's so that my brothers could perform. I wasn't totally happy about it because it was one less song on stage, but I was happy they were getting an opportunity to become well known.

"And your brother Ringo." Georgia squealed. "Oh my gosh, he is so handsome. Is he still single?"

I nodded. "Yes. And I hate to be mean, G, I'm just trying to look out for you because we're bestfriends. But he's still not interested in dating you."

"But I love him." She whined.

"I know." I sighed. Sometimes having friends meant I had to deal with their problems. And their problems mostly included one of them crushing on one of my brothers. Another bad side to having a lot of siblings, girls are always trying to use you to get to your 'handsome older brothers'. "But he's still hung up over Ariana."

"Ugh." Georgia scoffed. "She never appreciated him."

"I know." I actually agreed with her on this one.

Suddenly, my mum barged into the room, making sure I was done getting ready. My hair and make-up were done and I was just wasting my remaining time talking to my friends. But mum was going to make sure I had something to do.

"Come on, Penny." She gestured to me. "We have something to discuss."

I gulped. She didn't look like it was something serious, but then why did my stomach feel like it was going to come out my butt? I had a bad feeling about this talk.





She led me to a private room in the venue that was sound proof so that we wouldn't go deaf from all the screaming fangirls. By now, my brothers were probably on the stage performing some of their music and I was genuinely curious to see how the fans would respond to them.

When mum opened the door to the mysterious room, I saw some people I didn't recognize sitting around a conferrence table. They were dressed like executives, but I was able to feel more at ease when I saw two people I recognized; Harry and One Direction's bodyguard Paul. A small smile made way on my lips and I went to sit next to him.

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