Chapter 3

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"Hi, is this compartment-" Albus is cut off by a tall, lanky, blonde boy in immaculate robes. 

"It's free. It's just me," the blonde kid blushed a little, and smiled. 

"Great. So we might just - come in - for a bit - if that's ok?"

"That's okay. Hi."

"Abus. Al. I'm - my name is Albus..." Albus blushed and straightened out his spine. The blonde boy is so awkward and cheerful, and it's rubbing off on Albus. Rose's face is getting colder, and that confuses Albus. 

"Hi Scorpius," the blonde boy says. "I mean, I'm Scorpius. You're Albus. I'm Scorpius. And you must be...." Scorpius turned to Rose, and she glared at the poor boy. "Rose."

"Hi, Rose. Would you like some of my Fizzing Whizbees?"Scorpius said, and Albus then noticed that he was surrounded with piles of candy. "I've just had breakfast, thanks," Rose muttered.

"I've also got some Shock-o-Choc, Pepper Imps, and some Jelly Slugs. Mum's idea. She says," at that point, Scorpius started singing, making Rose glare even more. "'Sweets, they always help you make friends!"' Scorpius looked down, realizing singing was a mistake and blushing. "Stupid idea, probably." Albus smiled. "I'll have some!"

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