Chapter 4

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//2 years later//

Albus and Scorpius walked down a small corridor, laughing and talking, still high from winning the quidditch game. It wasn't them that won, necessarily - neither of them cared very much for sports - but the Slytherin team. As much as they hated playing quidditch, they loved watching it. That's why when they walked back to their common room together, the two boys couldn't help but feel amplified emotions. Albus flung his arms around Scorpius' neck and hugged him tightly. "Um... hello? Have we hugged before? Do we hug?" Scorpius said. Albus laughed an extreme laugh, and the butterflies in his stomach turned. Scorpius pushed his slick white hair out of his eyes, blushing. Suddenly Albus stopped walking. "Scorpius," he started. "We're third years now. Right? And neither of us have had our first kiss. Lily had hers last year, and James has been snogging girls since third. I kind of want it to be over with... you know? So I can have experience for... girls." Albus raised his eyebrows at Scorpius, and he slowly nodded. "Do you.... want to kiss? Like, right now?" 

"Well, I guess.... well, wouldn't that be weird? Cuz.... you're my best mate!"

"Right, so who better to have it with?"

"I...Ok.... sure... I gue -" Albus was cut off by Scorpius pressing their lips together. Albus gasped and kissed him back, flinging his arms around Scopius' neck. 

"Um... hello? Have we kissed before? do we kiss?"

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