Chapter 10

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Harry raced into his room, panting. "Ginny!" He cried. "I-I was in the forbidden forest, and... I learned.... black cloud.... Albus...." Harry stammered, and Ginny looked thoroughly confused. "Slow down! What's this about a black cloud?" Ginny raised an eyebrow. Harry took a deep breath, "Bane talked to me in the forest. He said there's a black cloud around Albus. I need to get rid of it, Gin!" Ginny nodded. "As long as you don't hurt Albus."

Harry raced down the stairs to the Slytherin common room to see Albus. Unsurprisingly, Albus was sitting on his bed, reading. Albus jumped up when he saw his father, genuine fear in his eyes. Harry winced. "Albus... I need to talk to you... I talked to Bane in the forest, and he said there's a 'black cloud' around you," Harry said, gesturing with his fingers. "So, I need to save you from it, obviously. And it's the Malfoy kid who's creating that cloud. So from here on out, you will not be permitted to see Scorpius. Ever. Professor McGonagall has the Marauder's map, and will be supervising that you don't see him. Except, of course, in the common room and during shared classes. Goodbye," with that, Harry turned and walked out, leaving Albus stunned.

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