Chapter 7

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Scorpius ran after Albus. "Al!" He shouted, but Albus continued running up the stairs, refusing to look at Scorpius. Albus fell on his bed, pulling the curtains around him. The second the curtains were closed and he was sure no one was going to see him, he felt hot tears rising to the surface. He tried blinking them back for a few seconds, but it was useless. Tears streamed down his face and spilled silently onto his green bedspread. Albus stayed that way for a few seconds, silent, then started full-on sobbing. His entire body shook, and he casted a silencing spell on his bed as he covered his face. He was too involved in his bawling to hear Scorpius open the curtain and sit down next to him. Albus looked up when Scorpius put his arm around his back. "Hey," Scorpius said. "I'm really sorry. I've been too caught up with my mum dying and my dad going insane to notice that you actually like me back. So if it's any use now, I want to apologize. And, ask you a question." At that point, Albus braved a glance at Scorpius' face. "What," he said, gravely. Scorpius frowned. "Um... Do you... Do you want to b-be my boyfriend?" Scorpius' voice sounded strange, even to him. Albus paused. "More than anything in the world, Scorp!" He brushed his bangs out of his face, then leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Scorpius' lips.

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