Dating Fitz Hc's

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* Even if your tall, your not nearly as tall as him
* Hug, lots of hugs
* Forehead kisses, cheek kisses, nose kisses, hand kisses
* Just basically a lot of sweet kisses going both ways
* Cuddles, lots of them
* He's almost always the big spoon, but sometimes he can be clingy and wants you to just hold him close
* Loves to see your smile and loves hearing you laugh, so he'll always try and tell a stupid joke/pun
* Takes you everywhere, love being close to you
* Likes to show you off, makes sure everyone knows that your his and that YOU ARE THE BEST
* Buys you flowers whenever he's away
* His closet is basically yours, he loves when you steal his shirts and jackets
* He cant cook for shit, but he'll try for you
* Lots of cute little dates that include:
- Movie nights
- theater dates
- baking something together
- playing video games together
- going to the Drive inn
- going to an arcade
* When he does stupid shit, your always there Incase he gets hurt
* He's super soft when he's around you, and always makes sure you're comfortable
* Is the mom to his dad of the group ( if that makes and freakin sense)
* ¡ALSO nicknames!:
- Baby
- sweetheart
- babe
- darling
- Tree man ( for him ) 
- Tiny ( for you )
* flirts with you A LOT, he loves to see you flustered and blushing
* he's actually the biggest dork with you (but let's be honest, you're both dorks)

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