A day with Jack Hc's:

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* Most days Seán will be up by 8 or 9, but if your lucky enough he can stay in bed till 10 or 11
* He'll complain if your the first to get out of bed, grabbing onto your wrist and not letting go till you climb back in with him
* ¡Cuddles!
* At least once a week he'll try and take you to a breakfast date or wake you up with breakfast in bed
* After the morning time has passed Seán will go record or edit leaving you to make some coffee/Tea( or whatever you drink ) and take in the ( mostly ) calm environment
* If he's done ( at a reasonable time ) with his recording he'll take you to Starbucks
* After that you two can take a little walk, enjoying each other's company and the nice fresh air
* He'll give little glares at people who look at you to long
* His hands are always on you when you two are out, making sure people know your his
* Definitely takes cute ascetic pictures of you
* Shopping and looking into little unique stores are a must when you two are out
* Around dinner time you two decided weather you want to make a home cooked meal or just order some food
* It's usually ordering some food
* After dinner you will usually wind down with either: watching a movie and cuddling or playing a video game together
* IF you fall asleep on the couch he'll carry you EVER SO carefully, all the way back to the master bedroom
* If you're still awake, you both do your bedtime routines and snuggle together in bed
* Before he falls asleep he'll usually scroll through Twitter/Instagram/ Tumblr
* By the time he's done you'll DEFINITELY be asleep on his chest, listening to the sound of ( his quickening ) heartbeat
* Even if your fast asleep he'll place a loving kiss on your forehead, squeezing his arm around you and whispering
* " Goodnight Love "

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