Living with Swags and the Misfits ( Swagger x reader )

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• When you first moved in the house was an absolute MESS

• Swagger apologized over a million times as he helped you moved your stuff into the house

• After the first couple days of settling in you and him both helped clean the house up 

• You noticed that the boys often had take out

• so you learned how to cook and began to make them meals every once in a while

• Swagger instantly wanted to help you out, so you taught him

• Now it's a tradition you all do together

• You also have movie nights and game nights

• You and swagger mostly cuddle up in your room but sometimes you'll want to cuddle on the couch ( to lazy to move up to the room )

• The boys will mock and complain like children for jokes

• But they're all very supportive of you two

• And now that you live with a bunch of boys let me tell you how protective they've gotten of you

• Someone looks to closely at you on the street?

• If looks could kill that person would be dead

• You've also adapted to their jokes and habits

• Swagger loves waking up to you every morning

• Until Mason some how finds a way in and screech's on the top of his lungs

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