Do you know her? ( Fitz x reader )

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PAX East was as crowded as ever, a different stand in every direction you walked. For some people new to the lovely event, it was a lot to take in. But for you, it was yet another normal get together of both content creators and fans of all kind. As you walked the cramped walkways you were lucky enough to meet fans of your well know channel, ( Y/C/N ). Most of your fans were very eager to get the chance to meet you! Others were a bit shy at first, but once seeing how patient you were with them, left them happy as could be. You, personally, were very nervous about how this years PAX would go. Since this year you decided that you would travel alone. Lots of your friends ( both irl and online ) had been very busy with their own channels and lives that they stayed home to keep up with it. So here you were, waking the cramped lanes of very excited and energetic people; alone. 
" ( Y/C/N )? Is that actually you? "
A deep mans voice said from behind you, you jumped around excited to meet yet another fan. Yet, for some reason, this fan felt a bit off for you. You were never the judging type, ESPECIALLY when it came to your fans; you had fans of all kinds! But as you turned around you could smell the stench of weed, reaking off of him. He wore a heavy winter coat, a dark colored shirt underneath it, and his pants fit the look very well. You smiled happily, quickly removing the thought from you mind
" hi yes that's me! Are you a fan? "
You answered sweetly, he nodded and moved his hand to his coat to take out a small notepad; you noticed that it came from a hotel, the brand name placed at the top of it; You also noticed you were the only one to sign it. He handed you a pen and you accepted it, signing, and leaving a little sweet message as well.
He let out a rough laugh, as you went to look at his eyes, he was already staring at you. Your heart sped up a little with fear, but you smiled nonetheless
" it was lovely meeting you sir! Have a wonderful day! "
You waved him off as you quickly paced forward , trying to forget the feeling of uneasiness he radiated off.

You continued the day, looking into different panels and buying different merchandise. But you couldn't help the certain feeling of being followed in your stomach.
' I'm just being paranoid. '
You thought to yourself as you turned yet another corner. But that didn't stop you from checking behind you, and all your suspicions had been answered as you saw the same man you had seen earlier that day. You were quick to turn you head and set a faster pace, hoping the stalker wouldn't notice; continuing on as you had been earlier.
' wait, is he actually following me? What if I just happen to be in the same place as him? '
You thought, you decided to test your idea and walk random lanes; taking sudden turns and making loops around a certain stand. As you turned to recheck if the man was still there, you noticed that he had picked up his pace. You heart started beating rapidly, you decided to fall into a little fast walk, trying to find and excuse or a way out of the mess you were in. Not to far away from you was a very tall man, surrounded by at least 10 others. You paced over to him, slinging an arm around his making him jump at the sudden contact. He looked down at you confused for a moment, his mouth opened to say something but you interrupted
" Chase! Hey bud! I've been looking for you for hours! Did you try and hide from me or something cause you were doing an amazing job! "
He closed his mouth, the other around you two continued to stare at both you and him. You turned around ignoring their stares to see that the man who was following you was gone. You let out a relived sigh and let go of the tall mans arm.
" I'm so sorry! I was being followed for god knows how long by a " fan " of mine, I didn't know what to do.. "
He let out an " Ah " understanding your motives
" do you know her? "
Said a deep smooth voice, you turned to see that it had come from a man with a helmet on. The taller man waved him off, turning his attention down to you.
" I'm Fitz, or, you can call me Cam "
You smiled and nodded
" I'm ( Y/C/N) but please call me ( Y/N ). And once again I'm so sorry for bothering you guys, I should probably keep going then- "
" no no stick with us! Wouldn't want ya getting in trouble again now would ya "
Cam said smiling, the rest of the group seemed to agree with him. You hesitated for a moment on the idea, but you simply nodded and followed the group for the rest of the day. And slowly, all of you became good Buds; especially you and Cam. ;)

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