Chapter I

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Jennie slowly wakes up and reaches for his side of the bed hoping to feel his warm hands in hers. Instead she finds herself touching the cold bed sheets in the absence.

"Good morning Jennie," he says to Jennie through the mirror while adjusting his tie.

"Good morning honey," Jennie smiles as she sees him in his dashing outfit. A navy blue blazer with a white oxford shirt matched with a monotone blue tie. "You look so handsome today."

"You look beautiful too sunshine. You should wear my shirts more often," he jokes.

Jennie realises she is wearing his dress shirt that is at least four sizes too big for her. "Do you want something to eat Oppa?" Jennie asks in her sleepy aegyo voice.

"Don't worry about me. I've already made you some breakfast though," he points to the bacon and eggs with the side of milk he left on her bed side table.

Jennie smiles with admiration and tries to thank you with an omelet down her throat, "Th-mff-thank yu."

He giggles at her and jumps onto the bed to join her royal feast, climbing on top of her to reach for the plate that she is keeping away from him. Seizing the opportunity Jennie tries to kiss him while he's all over her and as her lips meet his he uses his tounge to playfully steal a slice of bacon from her.

"Hey!" Jennie exclaims while still giggling, "that's not fair!"

They both lie down together. Both of them with wide grins on their faces, but then his phone starts vibrating in his pocket. You stand up to answer it leaving Jennie alone on the bed.

"Yes hello? Oh, right. What time? Yes that's fine. Of course sir."

"Who was it?" Jennie asks sitting herself up.

"It's work" he says without even looking at her, " I need to go, i'll see you later."

"oh-ok by-"


Before Jennie can even finish you've already left the room. She collapses back onto the mattress, her hands now covering her eyes.

She sighs, and lays there for another twenty minutes before getting up to get dressed for work.

Jennie and her members are all on their way to the office with their manager, Jin-Woo, sitting in the front. Lisa and Rose are both gathered around Jisoo and every now and then Lisa would pretend to pass out. Jennie sits indifferent, staring out the window.

"Rose, look! They're so cute," Jisoo squeals.

"Oh my gosh, they are perfect together," Rose exclaims.

"What are you all looking at?" Jennie asked.

"These mini fried chicken figures!" Jisoo screamed so loudly Jin-Woo reflexively covered their ears.

"Look, they're dressed up like a couple uwu!" Rose squeaks.

"Oh how I wish I could be in love," Lisa exclaims.

"Yeah that would be nice girls, but for the good of the company-," Jin-Woo starts rambling.

"For the good of the company blah blah blah, I wanna be in luuuuvvvvvvv," Lisa giggles as she swings around like a monkey,"I want to hold hands, go on dates, and get dirty.."

The manager shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

Rose chirps up, "Yeah.. dirty. We can play in the mud together, i'm definitely old enough, my mom probably won't get mad at me since I can clean myself."

Jennie laughs quietly to herself at Rose's innosence.

Jisoo joins the conversation, "It would be great to have a boyfriend, someone to take care of us everyday, cute texts to check on us every now and then."

"Hey! I do that for you guys everyday," Jin-Woo exclaims playfully infuriated.

"But it's different Jin-Woo oppa," Jisoo whimpers as she shuffles in her street, "you get paid to hang out with us."

Jin-Woo is speechless as Jennie lets out a small chuckle at her manager's embarassment.

"What about you Jennie?" Lisa asks,"would you like to have anyone special?"

Jennie sits in the akward silence, before breaking into a forced smile.


Jennie's Secret | JENSOO Book 1Where stories live. Discover now