A Dark Knight: One of My Three Soups

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It seems that tonight Arkum is a little quiet

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It seems that tonight Arkum is a little quiet. One guard sits reading her DC comic book laughing. A red light, Alarm flashes, she sighs. Gets up and places headphones on. She pushes the button for the music. Who is she off to see? OMG It's one of our favorites, Jervis Tetch! Or The Mad Hatter! "Back in your bunk." The guard said to Tetch. He speaks back to her. "I can't hear you." She said. Then you hear. "I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to her," Jervis said with a smile. Oh my he does look so good don't he... The guard turns to see another guard. She talks to her, tells he she frightened her. Then the other guard slits this guards throat. My that went smooth didn't it. Tetch is Back!!!

Down the hall Tetch and his guard stop at a cell. "Knock knock said the cock, time to rise." Tetch said. Ah it's Jonathon Crane. AKA The Scarecrow!! What are they doing together?? "I just need a second." Crane said. He mixes up some purple goo in the toilet, purple gas rises. Cool. "Shall we Mr Tetch?" Crane said with his little bottle of purple goo. "Yes, let us be at pains Mr Crane." Jervis said as he followed crane down the hall. Crane pours the goo over one of the doors, it explodes. Nice one.. The door opens. Jerome! We might have known!! Once the others have joined him they begin to argue. "Let's not squabble now gents. Plenty of time for backstabbing each other later. For now let's stick to the plan." Jervis said. What plan guys?? "First things first, let's lose the weirdo. Jerome said. Meaning the guard. "Ah yes. Your work here is now done." Jervis said to her. "One is glad to be of service." She said then she slits her own throat. Not Nice Jervis.. "Now let's get the rest of the cronies and blow this joint." Jerome said laughing. As they leave Arkum it is bedlam, the inmates are running around laughing and cheering. Watch out Gotham the loons are out!

"87 from the violent ward." Harvey said to Jim. "Ya picked a hell of a night to come back." He said handing Jim th folder. They talk, they work out that the only one capable of this big a beak out would have to be Jerome Valaska. So Jim goes over and gives the troops a little pep talk.

Jim has a call on the phone. "Hello Captain Gordon. Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim. Why so grim Jim?" Jervis asked laughing. "I will not play any more of your games Tetch." Jim yells at him. "No games this time Jim. Make your way to the corner of Witt, and James streets. Do it Jim or I will kill someone!" Jervis shouts into the phone. He is a real psycho aint he??

"Ya know it's a trap right?" Harvey said. "Yep." Jim said. But still they went?? At their destination they walk to the corner. "Ya know I had a thought." Harvey said to Jim as they walk. "I'll alert the press." Jim replied. "What if we are hypnotized?" Harvey said. Well Harvey that could be fun too.. "So you mean to say we would have to be hypnotized, or idiots to be here?" Jim asked. My money is on the Idiots!! They arrive, there is cars all pointed at a bride and groom. Jim goes pale, Bring back Memories Jim?? Tetch arrives out of nowhere, What still in y Arkum uniform Jervis?? "Low and behold, Captain Gordon and his rusty caboose in tow." Tetch said laughing. Tetch then prattles on about his beloved Alice. OMG man get over it already, she didn't want to stay with you!!But Tetch being Tech can not do that. He drops a wrecking ball on the bride and groom! Not nice Jervis..

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