Taylor And Jade See Two New Baby Girls

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The next day could not come quick enough for Jade

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The next day could not come quick enough for Jade.  She was excited.  She just hoped that whoever took her baby sister or brother loved them.  She may have been just four.  But she was not exactly stupid.  She knew that her Mother did not want her.  She also knew that she did not want the new baby.  She was supposed to be left with her and her Dad.  But he is now in prison.  So Jade guessed that someone had taken the baby.  I wonder if it was a girl?  Jade had been thinking all night.  Maybe it would be one of the Pepper girls.  A sister named Harleen.  Or had they changed the name?  Mrs Pike said it did not matter to much.  She was sure someone had taken the baby on.  Just like she had with Jade and Selina.  For the first time in a long time.  Jade felt that she had a home.  

"Girls, Taylor and I are going to see the Pepper girls.  Did you want to come too?" Mrs Pike asked.  "Yes." Jade called as she run to the bathroom to wash her face and hands.  Bridget and Selina there too.  "So why did we have to was up again?" Bridget asked as they made their way down stairs.  "Mummy said if I wanted to hold the baby when it come.  I had to wash me hands first." Jade said.  "Yeah she did." Selina said.  Her eyes wide with knowing.  "Is that right Mum?" Bridget asked.  "Yes my love, but the babies are still only little.  So we may not be able to hold them today." Mrs Pike said with a smile.  "Why?" Jade asked.  "Mummy said I could hold it as soon as it popped out." She finished.  Selina giggled with Jade.  "Yes but these girls are not your sisters.  They are another lady's baby.  So if Mrs Pepper dose not want you to hold them.  Then so be it." Mrs Pike said as she gingerly knocked at the door. 

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