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Connors POV

I walked in to see Cameron and Alison heart tore apart.

"S-sorry t-to bother," I quickly walked out and headed to my bed I was sleeping on.

How could she? I though we had something?!

Tears came down my face. Ok, ok. Chill out.

It was just one kiss, it can't mean anything right? Thoughts came in and out of my head.

Cameron walked in, I quickly wiped my tears and he didn't even notice.

"H-hey," he said.

I rolled my eyes, dick.


"Look, I'm sorry you walked in on us, but you two don't have a thing going on, so I'm gonna take her." He smirked.

"Just stay away from her!" I yelled a little.

"Is she dating anyone? Uh I think not, so sorry bro"

Dick, dick, dick.

"Leave Ali alone Cameron, I know what you do to girls, you make them fall for you, then you rip their hearts out, so don't even try with her!"

"Ahh, too late, she loving me like a little boy on Christmas," then he walked out.

I want to slice his throat so badly.


Alison's POV

"What happened?" I asked because Cameron went to talk to Connor.

"He told me that he didn't have anything going on with you, and that it's fine" then he smiled.

Well, I though we had something but I guess not.


"Ya, he's a jerk, he dated this one girl named Megan and tore her heart out, she still is angry with him, it was nasty"

My heart sank, wow, I though he was nicer then that.

"Oh my god Riley! I can't believe you did that!" Kennedy came in the door.

They all came in laughing. Then stopped when they saw Cameron.

"Oh hey.." Tatum said a little sadly.

Did they like stop liking him over night or something?

Then everyone walked out.

"We have a sound check to get to Connor!" Toby yelled.


Riley came in, "Are you coming?"

I nodded, "Ya hang on" then he walked out.

"Well, I'm going to go, I'll text you later" then he left.

Within one minute I got a text.

From: Cam

Hey beautiful:*

To: Cam

I just saw you a minute ago though haha

From: Cam

I know but I miss seeing your beautiful face.

These texts sounded familiar, when Connor and I talked. My smile turned upside down.

To: Cam


From: Cam

I'll Come Back for You / Connor McDonough Fanfic /Where stories live. Discover now