Chapter 24

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Connors POV

We finally left the hospital.

Right now were sitting on the couch in silence. Riley and Kennedy are on a date, Toby and Tatum are playing video games upstairs.

"Connor?" Ali broke the silence between us.


She was quiet for about two minutes.

"What am I supposed to do?" She sounded sad.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her.

"Never mind.." She looked at her hands.

"No, tell me," I begged.

"It's just-" she paused, "I don't know, I feel like I cause too much for you guys,"

"Ali, no you don't," I lifted her chin, "Besides, you're worth it."

She slightly smiled, "Thanks, but I hate how you guys have to take care of me."

"It's fine, I actually enjoy it." I laughed.

She giggled, "You sure?"

I nodded, "I promise."


Cassidy's POV

Since Ali was in the hospital we never got to have her party. Were going to do it tomorrow because today were looking for jobs.

Ali, Kennedy, Tatum and I are looking around for jobs. She wants something where she doesn't have to work everyday and not for the whole day.

"Wait," Tatum stopped us, "Why doesn't she work at Starbucks?"

I got excited, because if she does work there we can see her everyday.

"That's a good idea!" Ali giggled.

"Let's go check!" and we dodged off to the Starbucks near us.

We walked in, "Hello, how can I help you?"

Ali spoke, "Is there any hiring?"

"I'm let me check," he went to the back.

After five minutes he came back.

"Well, we have an opening for one person." he looked at us.


He nodded, "Can you come later for an interview and you'll be set."

"Okay thank you!"

He nodded and we left.

I got an idea, "ALI!" I jumped.

She lauged, "Ya?"


She laughed harder, "Shhhhh!"

"Sorry," I said to all the people looking at me, "But seriously! Move in with us, it would be so fun!"

"Yes! Yes, Ali say yes!" Kennedy butted.

"PLEASE?!" Emma spoke.

"I guess, is there room?"

We all nodded quickly.


We all screamed in excitement, besides Tatum because she's still living with her parents, even though se spends more time at our place then her home.

"This is going to be so fun!" Kennedy cheered.

"Yes!" I smiled brightly to show my happiness.


Connors POV

Were all at Starbucks since Ali's getting a job interview and we all want to get something to drink.

She's coming out and she looks sad.

"Did you get it?" I walked up to her.

She shook her head 'no'.

"It's okay, we can find you another."

"Just kidding! I got the job!" she shrieked.

"Hey!" I pouted, "That's not nice."

"I sorry," she stuck her bottom lip and hugged me.

I laughed at her babyish remark.

"We ready?" Riley asked.

"Hey? I didn't get my Starbucks!" Alison yelled.

"Well I wanna go, my shows gonna be on!"

"What Spongebob?" She snapped.

Everyone laughed as he crossed his arms.

"You guys can go, I'll stay with Ali."


"See ya!"

And they left.

"Okay, I'll get your order, what would you like?"

"Surprise me." She smirked.



Alison's POV

While Connors getting my drink I pulled out my phone.

Twitter here I come!

I opened it up and tweeted,

@ItsAlisonn Starbucks is baeeee sorry Conrad :)

He came back.

He gave me my drink an he had one as well. Of course.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and drank the drink.

On the drink for my name it read, 'Cali Beach, tomorrow 9:30 a.m.'

I made a confused look, "What's this?"

"You'll see, just met me there." He smirked.

"Okay? Should I be worried?"


"Mmk.." I smiled.

"No hurry so we can catch up with everyone else!"


I'm sorry I haven't updated in 4 days. I've been busy. As I know this chapters short but I hope you enjoy. Ily

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